

【作者】 陈斌

【导师】 唐继勇; 李斌;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 土地资源的建设在当今社会经济发展中十分重要。一个地方甚至包括国家,在对土地资源进行布局、开发都直接会影响到经济的发展和进步。因此,土地资源在经济发展中的重要性越来越被人们所重视,对土地信息管理的研究也越来越广泛。土地资源包括已经被人类所利用以及可预见的未来能被人类所利用的土地。它包含自然范畴和经济范畴,体现土地的社会属性和经济属性。土地信息管理系统把土地资源数据作为研究对象,综合运用计算机技术,在地理信息系统软件平台上实现二次开发的一种信息系统。地理信息系统(GIS,Geography Information System)是一门扁圆形、交叉性的新兴学科,所涉及的学科包括计算机科学、现代地理学、测绘学、信息科学、空间科学、环境学及管理科学等,用以分析、检索、采集、存储、管理及描述空间物体定位分布和与之相关联的属性数据。本文通过对山西长治当前土地资源的现状进行深入分析,指出当地土地资源研究中存在的问题及其原因。通过研究国内外GIS的国土资源综合信息管理系统,提出了在山西长治建立土地信息管理系统要坚持的原则、采取的方法及适合的体系。文中以山西长治国土局采用土地信息管理系统为例,具体分析了土地信息管理系统在实际中的应用,采取合理的方法对国土资源进行开发、利用,这一举措将直接影响当地的经济建设发展。国土资源及其利用的现状,是制定国土资源中长期利用规划和国民经济社会发展战略的重要依据。本文围绕建设现代化科学的土地信息管理系统,结合现有的技术条件和数据现状,采用先进的GPS、GIS技术和数据库技术,建立一个规范化、系统化的土地信息管理系统,将所得的数据与土地空间信息融为一体。确保系统软件的实用性、可靠性、规范性、可扩展性,提高系统开发的效率,降低成本,并为土地管理部门的业务操作提供决策支持。

【Abstract】 The construction of land resources plays a crucial role in the development of our country’s economy. For every region, even a country at large, how to conduct a layout and exploitation of the land resources have a direct influence to economical development and progress. Thus more and more importance has been attached to land resources’role in national economy development, and more extensive researches on land resources management have come into being. Land resources originate from the nature, but they exhibit both natural and social attributes, in that when they are put into use, they have become means of production and object for human labor. Based on research of land resources data and by virtue of computer technology, land resources information management system comes as a second-developed information system. As for(GIS, Geography Information System),it is a comprehensive, multi-principle subject which deals with space bar data. It involves modern geography, computer science, information science, surveying and mapping technology, environmental, space science and management science. Banked on collection, storage, management, retrieval, analysis and explanation of space subjects and related attributes, it is designed to answer users’relevant questions.Based on in-depth analysis and information of the status quo of our country’s land resources, the paper points out some problems seen in current land resources research and the reasons behind Counting on our good analysis of GIS from home and abroad , the paper comes up with some principles, methods and relevant ideology which should be adhered by when land resources information system is planned to set up. Take the land resources management system employed by Changzhi Land and Resources Bureau from Shanxi province, the paper offers a concrete analysis of practical application of land and resources system. Moreover, presently the researches on land and resources in our country have gone deeply and extensively than before.Reasonable exploitation and utilization of land and resources will exercise a direct effect on our country’s economy development. The status quo of land resources and real-time supervision of all kinds of land resources will become an important reference for our long-term land resources utilization program and nation economy development strategy. What we should do now is combine current technology with available data, employ advanced GPS,GIS and database technology, create a normalized and systematic land and resources management system, and integrate all the data and land information for our reference. Ensure that the system software usability, reliability, standardization, scalability and improve system development efficiency, reduce costs, the land management department of the business operation For the provision of decision support.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】157

