

【作者】 邬东

【导师】 吴卫军; 邓祖才;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着计算机和信息技术的快速发展,网络己经成为我们日常生活、学习和工作的不可缺少的基础设施。基于网络的分布式办公系统层出不穷,电子政务网上审批系统就是这当中的一种。行政审批是政府的重要行政职能之一,办公地点不集中、手续复杂、效率低慢是传统行政审批的缺点,传统的审批方式让各部门之间还存在“信息孤岛”,所以在Internet基础上的电子政务网上审批系统利用网络能够把各种资源有效的组合,提高政务活动的效率,是政府部门进行信息化建设的重要路径。快速发展,不断变化的经济水平、社会内容决定了电子政务网上审批系统它必须能够满足政务活动的多变性。因而如何使电子政务网上审批系统具有最大的可扩展性和重用性就成为电子政务网上审批系统开发中必须重视和解决的问题。论文从理论上论述了MVC模式应用于电子政务网上审批系统设计开发的意义,通过对MVC模式的原理和组成结构进行了深入的分析,介绍了实现MVC模式的ASP.NET框架的各个组成部分及控制流程。在对大英县电子政务网站的整体情况进行分析之后,运用AHP即层次分析法建立评价模型,确定评价指标权重,以基于网络的计算机评价系统为工具去完成申报数据的采集、整理和分析过程,为申报者提供随机申报平台,记录评价者的评价活动,并提供给被申报者和管理人员进行申报信息查询。系统开发环境选用VISualStudi.NET2005,采用C/S和B/S的复合架构。通过对大英县电子政务工作流程进行需求分析,建立了系统的功能模型,确定了系统的数据模型为关系数据模型,并对此进行分析、设计,创建数据库模型。数据库连接方式采用ADO连接方式,后台数据库选用SQLServer2005来实现。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of the computer and information technology, the network has become the essential infrastructure of our daily life, the stud and the work. The e-government online approval system is a kind of distributed web-based systems. Administrative examination is one of the important government executive functions, The traditional examination has some shortcomings, such as office aren’t concentrated, procedures are complex ,the efficiency is slow and low. There aren’t relationship among the various department by the traditional examination way. Therefore, in the Internet-based ,e-government online approval system able to use the internet effectively a combination of various resources. Improving the efficiency of administrative activities is the construction of government departments. Those are importance of information paths. Rapid development, changing economic level and social content determines the variability of the administrative activities. E-government online approval for a development of the system must pay attention to it and solve it. It is how to make e-government online approval system for maximum scalability and reusability.Paper theoretically discusses the meaning of the MVC pattern that applies to e-government online approval system. It analyzes the principle of MVC pattern and structure of in-depth. It introduces the MVC pattern to achieve the various components of the ASP.NET framework and to control process. After analysis of the DaYing e-government Web site’s overall situation, the use of AHP evaluation model determines the weights of evaluation, indexes to Web-based computer evaluation system as a tool to complete the declaration of data collection, collation and analysis, It provides random reporting platform for reporting. It records reviewers of the evaluation activities, and it provides declare information query to reporting and management.System development environment selects VISualStudi.NET2005, using C/S and B/S of the composite structure. Through analyzing requirement of the DaYing e-government work’s process, it establishes of the system function model. It determines the system’s data model for the relational data model, and then it is analyzed, it is designed, it will create a database model. Connection ways of Database uses ADO connection. The back-end database uses SQLServer2005 to realized.

  • 【分类号】TP399-C2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】148

