

【作者】 王小龙

【导师】 刘强; 余江;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高原机场一般地理环境和气象条件都很复杂,昼夜温差大、风速大、风向多变,经常伴随严重的乱流和风切变,天气变化迅速。我国青藏高原平均海拔高,已经建成和计划建设的机场环境都很复杂,典型机场有西藏/拉萨机场、西藏/林芝机场、四川/九寨机场等。随着中国经济的发展,西部的战略意义越来越重要,中国正逐步推进西部区域的开发和建设。为改善西部的交通和物流困境,中国在西部高原地区大力建设机场。由于高原机场的固有特点,高原飞行和运行与低海拔机场相比,面临更多更为复杂的问题。为了确保高原机场运行安全,中国民航局正大力推进民航新技术的应用。其中,全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)和基于性能的导航(PBN)技术,是当前解决高原机场运行困难的首选技术。本文通过对高原机场运行环境、卫星导航技术、PBN技术进行介绍、分析和研究,提出了解决拉萨高原机场的最佳途径和方案,并对未来高原机场航行新技术的应用作了预测和展望。飞行员在飞行过程中产生的人员信息、训练时间、飞行科目等各种数据,对于保证训练安全、追溯培训过程、分析培训效果十分重要,需要对其进行详细的记录和分析。传统的飞行训练数据管理通常采用手工记录方法,这种方法存在记录差错率高、统计效率低、数据共享困难等问题。为提高飞行基本数据管理的准确性、时效性和数据共享性,本文开发了“基于B/S架构的飞行信息基本数据管理系统”。系统采用Browser/Server体系结构,选取SQL Server 2000作为系统的后台数据库,具有飞行员基本信息管理、飞行教员基本信息管理、飞行时间管理、飞行科目管理、系统管理等功能。飞行主管部门可以通过本系统实现对飞行基本数据的准确管理和快速分析,并能以此为依据调整飞行计划、发现潜在隐患,达到提高飞行质量、加强安全管理等目的。本论文主要完成了以下几个方面的工作:(1)分析了高原机场、高高原机场的运行环境,包括自然环境、气象条件、导航设施、障碍物特征等,重点研究并提出了高原复杂运行环境对飞行运行的影响;(2)分析了传统陆基导航系统导航定位误差特征,重点研究了高原机场陆基导航系统的局限性和误差特性;(3)根据国际民航组织发布的《PBN手册》,介绍了不同类型的区域导航(RNAV)和所需导航性能(RNP)导航规范,分析了不同导航规范的应用领域,研究并提出了适用于高原机场飞行运行的最优导航规范;(4)介绍了PBN运行的核心导航系统,即卫星导航系统的工作原理、特点及误差特性,重点研究了GPS导航精度、完好性问题,提出了不同类型卫星导航增强系统应用的领域及飞行阶段;(5)分析研究了拉萨机场的气候特征及地理条件、地面保障条件、PBN运行的导航条件、机场运行的准入要求和PBN运行的设计要求,确定了飞机选型,设计了其PBN导航运行程序(包括航迹纵面与横面图)等,介绍了PBN运行的实施过程,并通过运行实践统计与分析,证明其可行性;(6)阐述了建立飞行信息管理系统的必要性;介绍了C/S、B/S软件构架并说明了系统采用B/S软件构架的可行性;根据相关特点分析与飞行信息基本数据管理系统的具体需求,选择了SQL Server作为数据库平台;(7)完成了系统的功能模块设计、程序流程设计、数据库机构设计、网络拓朴设计,演示了飞行信息管理系统各模块的操作界面。

【Abstract】 The high elevation airports’geographical environment and meteorological conditions are quite complex, such as large variations in temperature, wind speed and directions. Severe turbulence and windshear are often accompanied in these area, so the weather in high elevation airports always change rapidly. The environment of the airports which have been completed or planed at Qinghai-Tibet plateau are very complex, such as Tibet/Lhasa airport, Tibet/Linzhi airport, Sichuan/Jiuzhai airport are the typical airports.The state strategy considerations of west area have been more and more important according to china’s economic development, therefore, the development and construction of western region have been gradually promoted. More and more airports in china’s western area will be builded to improve the transport and logistics. There are more difficult and complex problems of operation at high elevation airports than that of low elevation airports, due to high elevation airports’own character. New aviation technology have been vigorously promoted by CAAC, to make sure the safe operation at high elevation airports. Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS) and Performance-Based Navigation(PBN) are the best choice to solve difficulties of high elevation operation.The environment of high elevation airports, satellite navigation technology, PBN and the example of high elevation airport are introduced and analyzed in this paper. The best solution and method of high elevation airports’problems are offered, and the application of new aviation technologies in future high elevation airports are predicted in this paper.The personnel information, training time, flight subject and other flight data generated by the pilots in flying process is very important to guarantee the safety training, back training process and the importance of training effectiveness, therefore it need to be recorded and analyzed in detail. The traditional flight training manual records commonly used data management method, which results the problems like high error rate, low statistical efficiency, difficulty of data sharing. In order to improve the accuracy of the flight of basic data management, timeliness and data sharing, this paper has developed a "based on B/S structure of basic flight information data management system." In this system we uses the Browser/Server architecture and select the SQL Server 2000 as the back-end database. This system can well serve for the management of basic pilots information , the basic information management of flight instructors, flight management, flight course management, system management and so on. Flight department can achieve basic flight data management and rapid analysis of the accuracy through this system and can adjust the flight plan as a basis, identify potential risks, to improve flight quality, strengthen security management and so on.The main results in this paper are as follows:(1) The operating environment of elevation airports and high-elevation airports are analyzed, which include nature environment, meteorological conditions, navigation facilities, obstruction characteristics. The effort of plateau’s complex environment on flight operation is mainly researched.(2) Navigation positioning error of traditional ground-based navigation system are analyzed. The limitations and error characteristics of ground-based navigation system are primary studied.(3) Specifications of different types of RNAV and RNP are introduced, the application of various specifications are analyzed, and the optimal specification of high elevation airports are also studied and proposed, according to”PBN manual”.(4)The core navigation system of PBN operation are introduced, that include the principle , feature and error characteristics of satellite navigation system. Navigation accuracy and integrity of GPS are focused on. The application areas and phases of flight of navigation augmentation system are proposed.(5) We have analysed the climatic characteristics, the geographical conditions, ground support conditions, navigation conditions for PBN operation, the airport operations requirements and PBN design requirements of the Lhasa airport. The selection of aircraft types has been determined and the program for PBN operation has been well designed (including longitudinal and horizontal track map). The PBN implementation process has been introduced. More than that, we have proved its feasibility by analysing the practical statistics for its operation..(6) We have analysed the need for establishing flight information management system; introduced the C/S, B/S software architecture and the feasibility of the system useing the B/S software architecture. According to the relevant features of the basic data analysis and flight information management systemspecific needs, we choose the SQL Server as the database platform;(7) We have completed the design of the system function modules, program flow design, database structure design, network topology, demonstration flight information management system interface module.


