

Tectonic Geology Characteristics and Ore-controlling Research of the Aolunhua Porphyry Mo-Cu Deposit, Mongolia Province

【作者】 徐巧

【导师】 付水兴;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 构造地质学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 敖仑花钼铜矿床位于大兴安岭南段,是西拉木伦河断裂北侧成矿带新发现的大型斑岩型钼铜矿床。本文针对敖仑花钼铜矿床的成矿特点,在对矿床的成矿地质背景、矿床的地质、地球物理和地球化学特征的基础上,从矿区构造地质特征着手,对各级构造与成矿的关系作了详细研究,对石英脉地质特征及其与成矿的关系作了深入的剖析。在此基础上总结矿床的成矿规律和找矿标志,指导成矿预测。研究认为:1.北北东向深断裂与北西向大断裂的交汇控制了矿床的产出位置。2.含矿岩体是成矿的主导因素,含矿岩体的形态产状明显制约着矿体的产状。3.矿化明显受蚀变控制,与钼铜成矿关系密切蚀变主要是硅化、钾长石化、绢云母化。钼铜矿体中矿物含量高低与蚀变作用的强弱相对应,可以确定网脉状的硅化和钾长石化为主要的找矿标志之一。4.敖仑花矿柱构造的形态和走向趋势可以一定程度反映未知矿体或隐伏矿体的空间位置情况。5.敖仑花钼铜矿床岩体和矿体与断裂构造密切相关,关于矿区断裂构造的研究对新的矿体寻找有一定的意义。6.敖仑花钼铜矿床的钼矿化强度与石英脉关系紧密,通过对石英脉的研究可以预测钼矿化的趋势。

【Abstract】 AoLunhua molybdenum copper in the greater hinggan mountains decollement, is Silas wood Aaron river north of fracture metallogenic belt of the newly discovered molybdenum large-size porphyry copper deposits. This paper AoLunhua flower molybdenum copper deposits in the metallogenic features, to deposit metallogenic geological background, deposit geological, geophysical and geochemical characteristics of basis, from structural geological features begin to all levels of structure and mineralizing relationship studied in detail, the geological characteristics of quartz vein and ore-foming of relationship was made in-depth analysis. On the basis of summarizing deposit metallogenic regularities and prospecting marks, guiding metallogenic prediction. The research thinks that:1. North north east to deep fractures and northwest to the fault of the intersection control deposits output position.2. Carry ore rock is the dominant factor, hold a metallogenic ore rock in the shape of obvious restricts the morphological orebody in shape.3. Mineralization obviously by altered control, altered zoning obviously formed when large and thick orebody, if have altered with strong weak, weak has strong, or weak alternate with, then mineralization instability.4. AoLunhua flower tiberium spikes morphological and trend trend can reflect a certain degree of unknown orebody or concealed orebodies spatial position.5. AoLunhua flower molybdenum copper deposits with fracture rock and orebodies closely related,number 3 of rupture of discovery and its analysis can be instructed to new orebody location.6. AoLunhua flower molybdenum copper deposits of multi-electrode resistivity of strength and quartz vein closely, by statistic quartz vein of three-dimensional density distribution can reflect the trend of molybdenum mine.


