

【作者】 李侃

【导师】 朱杰勇;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 滇东北地区的铅锌矿床是一类以碳酸盐地层为主要容矿层的层控铅锌矿床。本地区铅锌矿床、矿点、矿化点众多,从上震旦统灯影组至下二叠统茅口组,各碳酸盐地层中均有分布,但规模、数量差别巨大。矿体形态多样,既有顺层产出的层状、似层状、透镜状矿体,又有切穿层位的脉状、筒状、不规则状等矿体。无论对于层状矿体还是脉状矿体,围岩绝大部分均为性脆、孔隙度大的白云岩,矿体产出于一定的岩性—岩相段内,一旦超出有利的岩性—岩相段范围,矿体则迅速变薄、尖灭。本论文以滇东北地区层控铅锌矿床为研究对象,统计了矿床在各地层中的分布、富集规律;对不同地层中典型矿床地质特征作了简要说明;通过对区域地层常量元素、微量元素、稀土元素、铅同位素等的研究,分析矿体成矿物质与地层之间的关系;并研究主要含矿层位岩性、岩相、古地理特征,典型矿床沉积的微相环境,总结了有利于矿体形成的岩性、岩相条件。

【Abstract】 Northeast Yunnan is a kind of lead—zinc deposits as the main content of carbonate formation of stratabound Pb—Zn ore bed. Lead—zinc deposits in this region, deposits, mineralization of many, from the Upper Sinian Dengying to Lower Permian Maokou, were distributed in the carbonate formation, but the size of a huge amount of difference. Ore bodies are diverse, both the output layer of bedding, bedded, lenticular ore bodies, but also cut through the layers of the vein—like, tube—shaped, irregular—shaped ore bodies, etc.. Regardless of the ore body or vein ore bodies, most are brittle rock, large porosity dolomite, ore output in a certain rock—rock with paragraph, once beyond the favorable lithology—the scope of paragraph facies, ore is rapidly thinning, pinch.In this thesis, Northeast Yunnan stratabound lead—zinc deposits for the study, statistics of the deposit distribution in various layers, Accumulation; on different strata of typical geological features with a brief description; through the formation of regional constant element, trace elements, REE, Pb isotopic studies of ore—forming materials and formation relations; and research position with seam lithology, lithofacies, palaeogeography, sedimentary deposits of typical micro—phase environment, summed up the conducive to ore formation lithology, facies conditions.


