

【作者】 吴惠玲

【导师】 魏昶;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 冶金物理化学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 世界上的两大钒矿资源:钒钛磁铁矿和含钒石煤。前者的储量很大,主要分布于独联体、美国、南非、中国、挪威、瑞典、荷兰、加拿大和澳大利亚,在我国主要分布于攀枝花地区;后者广泛分布在我国南方缺煤的数省,储量大、层位稳定、含钒品位高,主要特性为灰份高、密度大、发热量低、结构致密、着火点高、不易燃烧且难以完全燃烧、较硬、难磨,且主要赋存于下寒武纪的地层中。石煤不仅是一种含碳氢少、发热量低、灰分高的劣质煤,同时又是一种低品位的多金属矿石,具有很高的综合利用价值。按石煤中主要有价元素不同,石煤可分为含钒、钒钼、钒镍、钒镓、钒铀、钒硒、钒银等类型,解决好发热量低的石煤利用问题,有着十分重要的战略意义。钒是一种重要的战略物资,具有高熔点、易变形加工等特性,其用途非常广泛,主要应用于钢铁工业、国防尖端技术、化学工业以及轻纺工业等领域。随着汽车工业、建材工业等应用低合金高强度钢的数量不断增多,钒的用量将会急剧增加。贵州铜仁地区有大量的含钒石煤资源,且含钒品位各异,本文对该地不同品位石煤原矿进行了大量的检测分析,提出了H2S04和R1按比例混合,反应过程加入R2的常压酸浸方法。通过多元素化学分析、差热-热重分析、电子探针分析、扫描电镜分析等手段,查明本文研究的石煤矿中钒主要赋存于云母类矿物中,少量以类质同相形式取代Fe3-进入氧化铁及粘土矿等氧化矿物,极少量以类质同相形式取代A13+进入难溶硅铝酸盐相中;其中四价、五价钒含量之和在50%以上,均属易浸出矿石。在此基础上,考察了反应时间、反应温度、H2SO4用量、反应液固比、R1用量、R2用量、R2加入时间等参数对钒浸出率的影响。当硫酸用量为35%、浸出温度92-93℃、恒温时间6h、R1用量4%-6%、R2用量0.4%、R2加入时间为恒温后3小时加入、液固比2:1时,含钒0.314%、0.78%、1.97%的三种石煤矿钒的浸出率分别可以达到89%、87%、91%。同时比较了不同含钒品位石煤矿浸出各参数对钒浸出率影响的规律性。结果表明:不同品位石煤浸出各参数对钒浸出率的影响规律基本一致。为了进一步验证浸出的稳定性,选择最佳工艺参数进行了六公斤级扩大实验,钒的浸出率均不低于85%,与小试基本吻合。该工艺具有操作简单、适应性强、应用范围广、设备投资少、工艺流程短、成本较低等优点。

【Abstract】 China is rich in two vanadium mineral resources:vanadic-titanomagnetite and stone coal vanadium mine. The former have a great reserves, mainly in the Commonwealth of Independent States、the United States、South Africa、China、Norway、Sweden、the Netherlands、Canada and Australia.in China, which are mainly distributed in the Pan zhihua region. The latter is widely distributed in several provinces which lack of coal in the South of China. Large reserves、a stable horizon、with high-grade vanadium, the main characteristics such as high content of ash、high density、low heat、compact structure、high point of ignition、difficult to combustion and difficult to completely Burning、much hard and hard grind. At the same time, the stone coal main occurrence in the Cambrian strata.Stone coal is not only a low hydrocarbon and carbon but also low-calorie, low quality coal with high ash content, at the same time, it is a low-grade multi-metal ore contain a high utilization value. According to different Stone coal contain different main elements, stone coal can be divided into such types as vanadium、vanadium molybdenum、vanadium nickel、vanadium gallium、uranium vanadium、selenium vanadium and silver vanadium, solving the problem about use of low-heat stone coal has a very important strategic significance.Vanadium is an important strategic material with a high melting point and easy processing characteristics of deformation, and its have a widespread use, mainly used in iron and steel industry、cutting-edge defense technologies、chemical industry、textile industry and other fields. With high-strength low-alloy steel increasing applications in the auto industry and building material industry, the amount of vanadium will be increased dramatically. Tongren Prefecture of Guizhou have a lot of stone coal resources with different grade of vanadium. A great deal of analysis are used to study the different grade of stone coal ore. a direct pressure acid leaching methods method H2SO4 and R1 mixed pro-rata and reaction process to join the regular R2 is used.Through of such means that the multi-element chemical analysis、DTA-TGA、electron microprobe analysis and scanning electron microscopy analysis, we know that the stone coals in this paper about vanadium main occurrence in mica, a small amount compared to the same type of quality in the form of To replace the iron oxide and Fe3+ into the clay mineral ore, such as oxidation, and a very small amount compared to the same type of quality in the form of Al3+ to replace the insoluble into the silicon aluminate phase. At the same time, four of five price and the price of vanadium content in more than 50% of this study are easy to extract stone coal ore.On this basis, the vanadium leaching rate is effect by parameters such as reaction time、reaction temperature、amount of H2SO、liquid-solid、amount of R1、amount of R2、time of accession R2 and etc. When the amount of sulfuric acid 35%, extraction temperature 92~93℃, temperature time 6h, the amount of hydrofluoric acid 4% to 6% and 0.4% the amount of sodium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite accession to the time of 3 hours after the temperature by adding liquid Solid than 2 to 1,the vanadium leaching rate can reach 89%,87%,91%.At the same time, comparison of different grade of coal extraction parameters of vanadium extraction rate of regularity. The results show that the stone to a different grade of coal extraction parameters of vanadium extraction rate of the laws are basically the same. In order to further verify the stability of the leaching, to choose the best technical parameters for a six kintal category to expand the experiment, the vanadium leaching rate not lower than 85%,which have a same test results as small experiments. The process is simple、adaptable、application of a wide range、low equipment investment、short process and low cost advantages.

【关键词】 石煤品位常压酸浸湿法冶金
【Key words】 stone-coalvanadiumTenorAcid leachinghydrometallurgy

