

Study on the Extraction Process and Application of Different Wheat Dietary Fiber

【作者】 刘金霞

【导师】 李庆龙;

【作者基本信息】 武汉工业学院 , 食品科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题来源于湖北省重大项目—利用小麦麸高效生产功能性食品的关键技术研究之子项,主要研究了利用小麦剥皮麸和优质小麦麸片提取小麦膳食纤维的最佳工艺参数,并着重研究了从优质小麦麸片中提取出的小麦膳食纤维对面团流变学特性及馒头品质的影响。另外,本文还对小麦膳食纤维的挤压改性进行了初步的研究。结论如下:分别用α-淀粉酶和中性蛋白酶对粒度在40目~100目之间的剥皮麸─由FBPY谷物剥皮机对小麦第二次分层剥皮得到的麸皮进行处理。通过正交实验得出不可溶性膳食纤维的最佳酶反应条件为:α-淀粉酶用量为25 U/g剥皮麸,酶解温度为60℃,酶解时间为45min;中性蛋白酶的用量为1200U/g剥皮麸,温度为50℃,时间为45min。在以上条件下,所提取出的小麦膳食纤维,其不溶性膳食纤维的含量为80.28%。优质小麦麸片─小麦制粉过程中,采用新型碾磨技术和气流分离技术筛选出的尺寸规格较统一的小麦麸皮,其中不溶性膳食纤维的含量高达40.3%,经水洗可有效除去粘连其上的淀粉。利用植酸酶降解小麦麸片中植酸,通过正交实验,得出其最佳反应条件为:酶用量为10U/g样品,溶液pH值为4,酶解温度为60℃,酶解时间为75min。用纤维素酶处理经植酸水解过的小麦麸片,发现当纤维素酶用量为800U/g样品,酶解时间为0.5h时,膳食纤维的网络结构在一定程度上有所松动,但未受到破坏。此时,膳食纤维的口感亦得到改善。对小麦膳食纤维粉进行挤压加工,通过正交实验,得出最优方案为:物料含水量20%,挤压温度140℃,螺杆转速100r/min。挤压后样品的持水力和膨胀力分别为4.18g/g和3.45mL/g,与挤压前相比,分别高出0.7g/g和1.25mL/g。只经水洗、植酸酶降解所得的小麦膳食纤维WDF2和经过纤维素酶处理的小麦膳食纤维WDF3的加入对面团的粉质特性均起到改良的效果。但是,从粉质特性各参数看,WDF3对面团的粉质特性的改良效果优于WDF2的改良效果。两种小麦膳食纤维对面团的拉伸特性均起到一定的不良作用。WDF2对面团的不良作用较为明显,其在面团中的添加量以不超过5%为宜;而WDF3对面团的不良作用不明显,其在面团中的添加量可达到7%。对于馒头的感官评定和质构,从其结果来看,WDF2的添加量为1%,WDF3的添加量为3%时,馒头的感官评定和质构参数分别是最好的。当WDF2的添加量超过3%,WDF3的添加量超过5%时,制作出的馒头在感官上不为人们所接受。综上所述,确定WDF2的添加量为1%~3%;WDF3的添加量为3%~5%。

【Abstract】 The issue was derived from the subitem of the major projects in Hubei Province—Key Technical Study of Using Wheat Bran to Product Functional Foods Efficiently.In this article,the optimal parameters of extracting wheat dietary fiber from decorticated wheat bran and high-quality wheat bran flake were mainly studied.And the effects on the doughy rheological properties and the quality of steamed bread of the wheat dietary fiber extracted from the high-quality wheat bran flake were emphaticly studied.In addition,the extrusion modification of the wheat bran was preliminarily studied in this article.The results were as below:The decorticated wheat bran between 40 mesh and 100 mesh was handled byα-amylase and neutral protease. The optimal conditions were:α-amylase dosage 25U/g,temperature 60℃,time 45min; neutral protease concentration 1200U/g, temperature 50℃,time 45min.Under these conditions,the content of the insoluble dietary fiber was 80.28%.The content of the insoluble dietary fiber in the high-quality wheat bran flake was as much as 40.3%.And the starch adhering to the wheat bran flake could be effectively removed by washing.The phytic acid in the wheat bran flake was degradated by phytase,and the optimal conditions were:phytase dosage 10U/g,pH 4,temperature 60℃,time 75min.The wheat bran flake hydrolyzed by phytase was handled by cellulase.When the cellulase dosage was 800U/g and the time was 0.5h,the network structure of the dietary fiber was relaxed to some extent,but not damaged.And the mouthfeel of the dietary fiber was improved.The wheat dietary fiber flour was extruded by twin-screw extruder.And the optimal proposal was: water content of the material 20%,extrusion temperature 140℃,screw rotation speed 100r/min.Under these conditions,the water holding capacity of the wheat diatery fiber flour was 4.18g/g,the swelling capacity was 3.45mL/g,compare to the wheat diatery fiber before extrusion, 0.7g/g and 1.25mL/g increased separately. The wheat bran flake hydrolyzed by phytase(WDF2) and the wheat bran handled by cellulase(WDF3)were added to wheat dough prorata.The floured properties were improved by the two diatery fiber.But the improved effect of WDF3 to fioured properties was better than that of WDF2. The tensile properties were worsened by the the two diatery fiber.The deteriorative effect of WDF2 to tensile properties was obvious,and the addition of WDF2 in the wheat dough was not more than 5% appropriately. The deteriorative effect of WDF3 to tensile properties was not obvious,and the addition of WDF3 in the wheat dough was as much as 7% .When the addition of WDF2 was 1%,and the addition of WDF3 was 3%,the organoleptic evaluation of the steamed bread and the texture of the steamed bread were were the best.when the addition of WDF2 was more than 3%,and the addition of WDF3 was more than 5%,the steamed bread couldn’t be accepted.In summary, the addition of WDF2 was1%~3%,and the addition of WDF2 was3%~5% .


