

Evaluation on College Students’ Nutritive Status and Investigation on Their Nutritive Knowledge-attitude-practice

【作者】 潘子儒

【导师】 黄万琪;

【作者基本信息】 武汉工业学院 , 食品科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的了解大学生营养状况与营养知识、态度及饮食行为,为提高大学生营养健康水平提供科学依据。方法采取随机整群抽样的方式抽取武汉工业学院871名在校大学生为研究对象,应用自行设计的调查问卷对不同专业(干预组和非干预组)、不同生源(大城市、中小城市、城镇、农村)大学生进行营养状况、营养知识-态度-饮食行为调查。采用体质指数(BMI)评价大学生营养状况,频数和频率描述大学生营养知识、态度及饮食行为现状,t检验比较不同背景大学生营养知识平均得分差异,χ~2检验比较不同背景大学生营养知识得分等级、每个营养知识知晓率、营养态度及饮食行为差异。结果大学生中营养不良率为20.4%,超重及肥胖率为2.3%。男生营养不良率显著低于女生,而正常、超重及肥胖率显著高于女生。不同生源的大学生超重及肥胖差异有统计学意义,超重及肥胖率比较为:中小城市>城镇>农村>大城市。大学生营养知识平均得分为(29.22±4.70)分,判定为良好。男女生营养知识平均得分依次为(27.82±4.91)分、(30.21±4.27)分,差异有统计学意义;干预组和非干预组营养知识平均得分分别为(31.48±3.22)分、(28.40±4.88)分,差异也有统计学意义。82.0%的大学生营养知识得分等级为良好和优秀。大学生对饮食行为与伤寒或副伤寒、霍乱或副霍乱、甲型肝炎、肝硬化、糖尿病等疾病知识的知晓率≤50%。大学生营养态度良好。62.5%的大学生一日三餐有规律,但饮食结构中有48.7%以素食为主,52.3%进餐时间为10~20min,男生进餐比女生快。83.1%的大学生每天吃早餐,早餐食物中对豆浆或豆腐脑、牛奶、谷类制品、粥、水果、鸡蛋等食物的喜爱率均>70%。大学生每周膳食频次不理想,只有50.7%每周蔬菜进食≥4次,而肉类、鱼虾蛋类、牛奶豆类、水果、薯类每周进食≥4次的比例均≤35.0%。大学生对油炸食物的喜爱率、经常吃零食的比例均<40%。大学生平日饮品以白开水为主,占92.5%,乳饮料、果汁饮料、茶、碳酸饮料常喝比例均>30%。10.3%的大学生平日经常饮酒,其中啤酒、葡萄酒、白酒的常喝比例均>10%。大学生月饮食消费大部分为201~400元,占70.5%。不同性别、不同专业、不同生源大学生饮食行为比较有统计学意义。结论大学生营养状况、营养知识、态度及饮食行为总体状况较好,但也有部分大学生营养知识掌握情况不理想、饮食结构不合理、忽视早餐等。女生营养知识、态度及饮食行为总体状况比男生好,但营养不良者居多;干预组营养知识、态度及饮食行为比非干预组好;农村生源可能是出于经济条件的原因对食物选择与搭配不及城市生源。因此,应从加强大学生营养教育、提高学校餐饮质量等方面着手,以进一步提高大学生的营养状况,促进大学生身心健康全面发展。

【Abstract】 Objective Evaluating on college students’nutritive status and investigating on their nutritive knowledge,attitude,dietary behaviors,so as to apply scientific basis to improve their nutritional healthy level.Methords Self-designed questionnaires were distributed to 871 college students which were selected by random sampling from Wuhan Polytechnic University to search their nutritive status and their nutritive knowledge-attitude-practice.All the students were divided into different groups according to the major they joined in ( intervention group and non-intervention group)and the places they were brought up(big city,medium-sized city,town,country).BMI was used to evaluate students’nutritive status,frequency was used to describe college students’nutritive knowledge,attitude and dietary behaviors,t-test was used to compare diffrernt background students’average of nutritive knowledge,χ2-test was used to compare diffrernt background students’rating level of nutritive knowledge,every nutritive knowledge rubric,nutritive attitude and dietary behaviors. Results Among the students investigated,there was 20.4 percent was malnutritive,2.3 percent was fat.The ratio of malnutritive in female is significantly higher than male college studengs,but the ratio of normai and fat is significantly lower than the other group.There are significant differences between different background students in fat,the ratio of fat from high to low is:medium-sized city ,town,country,big city.The average of nutritive knowledge for college students is (29.22±4.70),belonging to good grade.There is significant difference in average of nutritive knowledge between male and female.Male’s average of nutritive knowledge is(27.82±4.91),female’s average of nutritive knowledge is (30.21±4.27).The intervention group’s average is (31.48±3.22),the other group is(28.40±4.88),the difference is significant too.82.0% students rating level of nutritive knowledge is good and excellence.Awareness for knowledge of dietary behaviors and sickness of typhoid,cholera,hepatitis A ,hepatocirrhosis,sugar diabetes appear less than 50%.From the result,we can see the nutritive attitude of students investigated is well,62.5% students eating follows regulation,but 48.7% is vegetarian,52.3% need 10~20min to eating one meal,male eat faster zhan female.83.1% students eat breakfast everyday,above 70.0% students like soya-bean milk,milk,cereal product,porridge,fruit and egg for breakfast.Students meal frequency weekly is not good,50.7% eat vegetable over 4 times,less than 35.0% eat meat,fish and eggs,milk,bean,fruit,potatoes over 4 times weekly.Less than 40.0% students like fried dishes and snack.92.5% students often drink water,over 30.0% students often drink milk beverage,juice beverage,tea and sodas.10.3% students often drink wine, beer,table-wine and spirit drink frequency appear more than 10%.70.5% students monthly consumption is 201~400 yuan.There were significant differences between different sex,major,background groups in dietary behaviors.Conclusion Students’nutritive status , nutritive knowledge ,attitude and dietary behaviors are good in general,but there are some deficiency in nutritive knowledge,un-reasonable in eating structure,ignoreing breakfast.Female appear better in nutritive knowledge,attitude and dietary behaviors,but more malnutritive than male.Intervention group appear better in nutritive knowledge,attitude and dietary behaviors than non-intervention group.For ecomomical limitation,country students appear worse in food choice and arrange than city students.So we shoud strengthen the education about nutrition and improve meal quality in University to improve physical and mental health in college students.

  • 【分类号】G647.82;R193
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2911
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