

Experimental Research on Reforming of Fuels into Hydrogen with Gliding Arc Discharge Plasma

【作者】 颜士鑫

【导师】 李晓东; 岑可法;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 能源环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 滑动弧等放电离子体是一种常温常压下的非平衡等离子体,它兼具热等离子体和低温等离子体的特点,能量转化效率高,而且设备简单,操作方便,因此,滑动弧放电等离子体作为一种新的制氢技术,具有良好的应用前景。本文利用滑动弧放电等离子体,分别以氨气和甲烷作为原料气体,开展了滑动弧放电等离子体重整燃料制氢的实验研究,重点考察了放电电压、进气流量和原料配比等参数对反应的影响,同时对刀片式滑动弧放电等离子体发生方式进行了改进,设计了一套旋转滑动弧放电等离子体发生装置,并利用其进行了甲烷重整制氢的实验研究。研究结果表明,滑动弧放电等离子体技术可以在无催化剂的情况下,实现常温常压下分解氨气制氢。放电电压的升高可以提高氨气转化率,同时降低制氢能耗;进气流量的增加会降低氨气转化率,但对制氢能耗的影响则相对复杂一些,制氢能耗会先降低而后升高;氮气的加入有助于提高氨气分解率。采用旋转滑动弧放电等离子体在氮气气氛下分解甲烷时,其分解的主要产物包括固体产物炭黑和气体产物氢气、乙烯和乙炔等。放电电压和氮气浓度的升高都可以提高甲烷转化率,进气流量的升高则会缩短反应气体在等离子体区域内的停留时间,同时降低等离子区域内的能量密度,从而降低了甲烷转化率。旋转滑动弧放电等离子体部分氧化重整甲烷制氢过程中,放电电压是一个非常重要的参数,放电电压越高,越有利于反应的进行;进气流量增加时,制氢能耗会先降后升;反应器外罩的变化对甲烷重整反应也有一定的影响;过量空气系数逐渐增大时,氢气选择性会先升高后降低,实验结果表明,空气稍过量会有助氢气选择性的提高。

【Abstract】 Gliding arc discharge plasma is the non-equilibrium plasma at ambient condition, and has a dual character of thermal and non-thermal plasma. It has a high efficiency of energy transformation and inexpensive cost both from devices and operations. The gliding arc discharge plasma has a favorable foreground in the practical production as a new hydrogen production technology.The experimental research on reforming of fuels into hydrogen, using the ammonia and methane as raw materials, with gliding arc discharge plasma was studied. We stressed the effects of supply voltage, total flow and material ratio on the reactions and made an improvement on flat gliding arc discharge generator. A new rotating gliding arc discharge generator was designed and used for methane-reforming.The experiment indicated that, gliding arc discharge could decompose ammonia without the catalyst at ambient condition. Increasing of supply voltage can improve the decomposition rate of ammonia, and the energy cost for hydrogen could also decline. Increasing of total flow rate could decrease the decomposition rate and had a complex effect on energy cost for hydrogen, and the energy cost would decrease first and increase after. The decomposition rate would increase with the adding of some nitrogen.Products of methane decomposition with rotating gliding arc discharge in nitrogen atmosphere were carbon black, hydrogen, ethylene, acetylene and so on. Increasing of supply voltage and concentration of nitrogen could improve the decomposition rate of methane. Increasing of total flow would reduce the staying time of reactant gas in plasma space and the energy density of plasma space, and then reduce the decomposition rate of methane.Supply voltage is an important parameter in partial oxidation of methane with rotating gliding arc discharge, and high supply voltage could be beneficial to the reaction. With increasing of total flow, energy consumption for hydrogen would decrease first and increase after. The height of device cover also has an effect on the reaction. With increasing of excess air coefficient, hydrogen selectivity would increase first and decrease after, and the experiment show that a bit excessive oxygen would be benefit for increasing the hydrogen selectivity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

