

Design of ARM Based Fault Monitoring & Diagnosis System (Front-end Data Acquisition and Communication System)

【作者】 刘占来

【导师】 杨世武;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路信号系统,通常是由多种设备组成的具有高度复杂性的控制系统,对列车的安全、高效、快捷运行起着极其重要的作用。我国铁路的大部分编组站及车站都位于远离城市中心地区的雷电暴露环境下,而且信号系统设备都大量、长距离地与室外信息采集对象或控制对象相连接,导致信号楼内设备很容易受到雷电感应过电压的侵袭,此外,信号系统内部因为操作方式改变等情况也会引起过电压产生,此类瞬态过压信号严重威胁室内电子设备。因此,对室内相关信号设备进行瞬态过电压监测采集并进行分析,以便于迅速排除故障,以保障铁路高效、安全运行是十分必要的。本文通过对瞬态过电压的分析,设计研究了一种基于ARM的故障诊断监测系统,结合雷电记录仪一起进行多点监测,用以对雷电感应过电压及设备内部过电压引起故障的诊断。整个系统分为两大部分,即基于单片机的前端数据采集部分和基于ARM9的中央监控处理部分,采用RS-485总线构成分布式监控采集网络。前端采集部分选用DS80C320单片机作为主控制器,A/D选用TLC5510,主要完成信号的触发采集等功能。中央监控处理部分采用三星公司ARM9系列的S3C2440A处理器作为核心控制器件,并移植Linux操作系统,具有数据存储及显示功能。中央监控处理部分可对设备过电压采集端信息及雷电记录仪的信息综合分析,实现故障诊断。作者在文中给出了故障监测诊断系统的总体设计方案及与雷电记录仪结合使用的方法,设计了相关硬件电路,并给出了相应信号采集及传输等软件程序。对于ARM9中央处理端,建立了软件开发环境,移植了Bootloader及Linux操作系统。设计了RS-485通信协议及其流程。最后对于本文的内容进行了总结并指出了系统的不足及改进方法。

【Abstract】 Railway signal system is a complex control system, which is made from a variety of electrical and mechanical equipment. It plays an important role in safety, efficiency and speed of railway operation. In our country, most of the railway marshalling yards or stations are located away from the urban centers. Many of signal equipments usually connect with out-door information acquisition objects or control objects that are so frequently exposed in the lightning environment and cause the indoor signal equipments affected by lightning-induced overvoltage easily. Besides, transient signal changes due to operation changes can also cause overvoltage inside the signal equipments, which threate electronics equipments severely. Therefore in order to better identify and diagnose faults, and guarantee the railway efficiency and safety, it’s essential to monitor and acquire the transient signal.This thesis designs a kind of the ARM-based fault monitoring and diagnosis system associating with Thunder Recorder that can make multi-point monitoring to diagnose overvoltage induces by lightning after studying and analyzing transient overvoltage.The whole system consists of two major parts:the front-end data acquisition system based on single chip microcomputer and ARM9-based central control processing part. Using RS-485 bus, it can make a distributed monitoring acquisition network. Front-end data acquisition part uses DS80C320 microcontroller as the main controller, TLC5510 as the A/D conveter to achieve the trigger and acquisition. functions. Central control processing part uses Samsung S3C2440A ARM9 family of processors as the core control device and Linux as the operating system with data storage and display. So the whole system can finish the fault diagnosis function.This thesis gives an overall design of the fault monitoring and diagnosis system and the method of associating with the Thunder Recorder and designs the related circuit and software programs. For The ARM9 center processing part creates software development environment and transplants the Boodloader and Linux operating system successfully. Finally, the thesis summarizes the study and points out the inadequacy of the system and gives the suggestion to improvement.

【关键词】 铁路信号单片机ARM9故障监测Linux
【Key words】 Railway signalARM9Single-chip computerFault monitoringLinux

