

A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Style Translation

【作者】 裴富家

【导师】 邵志洪;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 斯波伯(Dan Sperber)和威尔逊(Deirdre Wilson)在其合著《关联性:交际与认知》中首次正式阐述关联理论,从而为研究语言交际提供了新的视角。关联理论将语言交际视为一个明示推理的过程,而交际的意图则是实现最佳关联。在关联理论框架下,翻译被视为作者与译者、译者与读者之间的双重明示推理的过程,译者身兼交际者和接收者的双重任务,其最终目标是实现最佳关联的传递,而最佳关联的传递方式则导致翻译风格的产生。认知方式、语言能力、个人偏好以及社会环境的不同必然导致译者选择风格迥异的方式来实现和传递最佳关联,因此同一文本的翻译风格是千变万化的。基于关联理论,本文从隐含意义和交际线索两个方面探讨了翻译风格的实现方式。本文简述了关联理论的主要观点及其在翻译中的应用,并探讨了关联理论视角下风格翻译的相关要点,继而从隐含意义和交际线索两大方面,具体阐释了翻译风格的分析框架,最终以分析框架为基础对《三国演义》两译本的翻译风格异同进行了对比分析,从而得出总结。经过对《三国演义》两译本较为系统客观的分析,本文发现罗慕士(Roberts)略倾向于语义翻译,译文严谨缜密,竭力保存原文文化,并结合大量注释、地图、人物图画等进一步扩大译文读者的认知语境,以相对折衷的方式实现最佳关联;泰罗(Taylor)更倾向于交际翻译,以简洁的口语直接关联译文读者的已有语境,然而全文风格不一致,且回避了大量陌生晦涩的内容。本文从而较为系统直观地论证了斯波伯和威尔逊就翻译风格的观点“风格的不同在于关联方式的不同”。

【Abstract】 Relevance Theory, systematically initiated by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson in their coauthored work Relevance:Communication and Cognition, provides a fresh perspective for the study of verbal communication. In Relevance Theory, verbal communication is regarded as an ostensive-inferential process with the purpose of optimal relevance. In the framework of Relevance Theory, translation is a dual ostensive-inferential process involving writers and translators, translators and readers. The translator shoulders the double duties of encoder and decoder with the ultimate objective of the delivery of optimal relevance. Thus the way of its delivery leads to different translation styles.Disparities of cognitive style, linguistic capability, individuality and social environment would definitely forge distinct choices of the realization and delivery of optimal relevance. Therefore, the same source text always has various translation styles. Based on Relevance Theory, the thesis discusses the realization of translation styles in the aspects of implicatures and communication clues. The thesis briefly introduces the major beliefs of RT and its application in translation, explores style translation from the perspective of RT, and then intensively illustrates the analysis framework of translation theory in the aspects of implicatures and communication clues. Based on this framework, it conducts a comparison between translation styles of the two English versions of San Guo Yan Yi, and then draws a conclusion.After the systematic and objective analysis of the two English versions, the thesis finds that, Roberts is ST-oriented, trying to retain the original cultures with his accurate and deliberate translation. He also attempts to further extend the target reader’s cognitive context by addition of notes, maps and pictures. He generally renders the optimal relevance in an eclectic way. Taylor is CT-oriented, with concise spoken language for the relevance to target readers’known context. However, the style of the whole version is not consistent, with a lot of unfamiliar and obscure parts untreated. The purpose of the whole comparative analysis is not to judge the quality, but to relatively systematically prove the view of Sperber and Wilson that stylistic differences are just differences in the way relevance is achieved.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【下载频次】127

