

The Research on the Favorable Scoring Policy in the College Entrance Examination

【作者】 常青

【导师】 姚云; 潘艺林;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国高考与高校招生一直是个备受关注的热点问题,而高校招生政策是这一热点问题的焦点。因为高校招生政策制定了高等教育入学机会的分配与调节规则。近年来,高考招生政策中的高考加分政策备受瞩目。引发了社会各界的热议。本文首先梳理了建国后高考加分政策的历史演进,并分析了该政策的各个受益群体,以及其成为受益群体的原因。然后分析了目前我国高考政策实施过程中,出现的主要问题,以及形成这些问题的原因。把社会各界对于高考加分政策的看法进行整理,目前社会各界对于高考加分政策主要分为三种观点:第一,维持论;第二,取消论;第三,改进论。政府部门大多持改进论,教育专家学者和其他社会人士持三种观点的都有。笔者在借鉴了美国的招生考试制度之后,提出了自己的观点,中国高考加分政策应该取消。并阐述了与前面持取消论的社会各界人士不同的原因。然后进一步提出了用高校自主招生的选拔制度来取代高考加分政策。阐述了高校自主招生比高考加分政策的优越之处,认为它可以解决高考加分政策难以解决的问题。

【Abstract】 The entrance exam to college has been a hot issue of concern, and college enrollment policy is the hot topic of focus. Because college enrollment policy of higher education defines the distribution of opportunities and regulating rules. In recent years, the Favorable Scoring Policy is in the high-profile, which is debated by the society from all walks of professions.This paper firstly describes the history of the Favorable Scoring Policy, and analyzed the benefit groups of this policy. And then this paper analyzed the major problems in the implementation process of the Favorable Scoring Policy, and the causes of the problems. At present, the views of the Favorable Scoring Policy from all walks of life divided into three types:the first one is maintaining viewpoint; the second one is abolishing viewpoint; the third one is improving viewpoint. The government departments mostly hold improving viewpoint. The experts, scholars and other society people hold the three views above.Based on the study of the policy of USA entrance exam to college, this paper compare and analyze the main advantages of the foreign policies, and then the author put forward the following views:abolish the Favorable Scoring Policy, and replace it with the Self-enrollment Policy.

  • 【分类号】G632.474
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】676

