

Design and Implementation of Diagnosis Learning System for Acupuncture and Moxibustion Based on Flex J2EE Technology

【作者】 张艳

【导师】 曹慧;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 生物医学工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:针对当前针灸学科的发展趋势、要求及现有辅助针灸医疗训练系统存在的问题,设计开发一种高交互性的针灸诊疗学习系统,以满足用户需求。方法:以J2EE平台为基础,根据辅助针灸医疗训练系统现状,结合信息系统特点,设计实现一种基于Flex+J2EE技术的针灸穴位诊疗学习系统,本项目属于山东省信息产业厅课题“山东省中医药信息资源管理与服务平台构建”的子课题。系统采用由Adobe Flex构建的富客户端应用程序RIA,将桌面应用程序的最佳用户体验界面功能与Web应用程序的普遍采用和快速、低成本部署、多媒体互动以及实时快捷集于一体。在业务逻辑层将Flex和Spring框架集成在一起,充分利用两种技术的优点,实现了系统架构的一致性、模块化和可重用性。成果:成功实现了基于Flex+J2EE技术的针灸穴位诊疗学习系统的设计与开发,为“山东省中医药信息资源管理与服务平台构建”的顺利进行奠定了基础。结论:研究表明,本系统能科学、快速、准确的提供用户所需信息,视觉和互动上更好,能够提供内容密集、响应速度快和图形丰富的用户界面,满足了交互的自然性与灵活性,达到了预期目标。

【Abstract】 Object:in order to meet the user’s needs, We design and develop a high interactive diagnosis learning system for acupuncture and moxibustion, according to the development and requirement of acupuncture and existing problem in acupuncture and medical training CAI systems at present.Method:This paper-based J2EE platform, designs and implements the diagnosis learning system for acupuncture and moxibustion based on Flex J2EE technology, according to the status of acupuncture and medical training CAI systems and combining with the characteristics of information systems, It’s the sub-subject of "construct of information resource management and service platform for traditional Chinese medicine of Shandong Province".The rich internet application build by Adobe Flex technology was introduced by the system, and RIA combines the best user experience with Web applications widely used and rapid, low-cost deployment of interactive multimedia and real-time. We integrate Flex and Spring frame together on the business logic floor, which fully utilize the advantages of two kinds of technology and realize the consistency, module and reusable of the systematic framework.Achievement:We realize the design and development of diagnosis learning system for acupuncture and moxibustion based on Flex J2EE technology successfully, which has established the foundation of construct for information resource management and service platform of traditional Chinese medicine of Shandong Province".Conclusion:Studies have shown that the system can provide information that needed by users scientifically, fast, and accurately, and it is better in visual and interactive.It is able to provide content-intensive, fast response, and graphics-rich user interface to meet the nature and flexibility of interaction, which has meet desired goals.


