

Understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Glaucoma

【作者】 周敬林

【导师】 刘玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医五官科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过对中医经典及青光眼相关文献的回顾性研究,归纳总结古今中医对青光眼证候特点及治疗方法的认识规律,探讨青光眼的脏腑病机特点,提出青光眼证型规律和治疗用药思路,丰富青光眼理论内涵,并以此为指导,充分发挥中医药治疗青光眼的优势,有效降低青光眼患者的致盲率,提高其视力、扩大视野,从而提高患者的生活质量,提高临床疗效。方法:通过对中医经典和相关文献等的分析、归纳、总结、统计学处理,从证候特点和用药规律上探讨青光眼的脏腑病机特点,进而提出其证型及治疗规律,阐述其理论依据及临床意义,指导临床辨证治疗。结果:青光眼主要证型为肝郁气滞、肝肾两亏、阴虚火旺等,证型结果显示本病主要从肝脾肾论治。所用药物主要为补益药、清热药和利水渗湿药等,在涉及的132味药中分别占24.05%、19.68%和12.07%。其药物主要归经为肝脾肺,在39味中药中各占76.3%、65.8%和47.4%。所用针刺穴位主要为睛明、行间和三阴交,在76篇文献中分别占67.9%、58.9%和33.9%。依穴位而论,远端穴以行间为多,局部取穴以睛明为多。若按穴位归经来看,足太阳膀胱经、足少阳胆经、足厥阴肝经为最多。结论:青光眼与肝的关系最为密切,论治时可在结合整体审因辩证和局部微观辩证的基础上,重视从脏腑经络的关系论治。本病主要从肝脾肾入手,其实证主要从肝论治,虚证主要从肝肾论治。

【Abstract】 Objective:classical chinese medicine and related literature recivew of glaucoma research summarize past and present characteristics of TCM syndrome of glaucoma treatment and positive understanding of the law to explore the characteristics of pathogenesis of glaucoma viscera proposed laws and treatmen of glaucoma medication syndromes ideas glaucoma rich theoretical connotations and use it as guidance, give full play to the advantages of chinese medicine treatment of glaucoma, effectively reducing the rate of blindness in glaucoma patients to improve their vision,to expand its horizons, thereby enhancing the quality of life of patients and improve clinical efficacy. Methods: Based on the classic Chinese medicine and related literature such as analyze, summarize,sum up, statistical treatment and medication from a syndrome characterized by the law of the internal organs on the pathogenesis of glaucoma characteristics,and then present its Syndromes and Treatment of the law, exlains the theoretical basis for the and clinical significance, clinical differential diagnosis to guide treatment.Results:Glaucoma mainly to liver qi stagnation syndrome,deficiency of both liver and kidney, yin deficiency huo-wang,etc, evidence-based results show that the disease mainly from the Treatment of Liver,Spleen and Kidney.The main drugs used for the tonic, antipyretic and diuretic drugs such Shenshi, involving 132 Chinese herb, respectively, accounting for 24.05%,19.68% and 12.07%. The drug was mainly owned by the liver and spleen lung, in each of 39 Chinese herbal medicines in 76.3%,65.8% and 47.4%. Acupuncture is mainly used in eye out, and Sanyinjiao between rows, respectively, in 76 articles in total was 67.9%,58.9% and 33.9%. In terms of according to point the remote point to muli-between the lines, local points to eyes out as much. In terms of meridian points of view, the bladder full sun, the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot, Foot Jue Yin Liver Meridian the most.Conclusion:The relationship between glaucoma and liver most closely, on the rule may result in the light of the overall trial and the local micro-dialectical dialectical basis of attention from the relationship between the meridians of treatment. The disease mainly start from the spleen and liver, in fact, evidence mainly from the liver, mainly from the Liver and Kidney deficiency.

【关键词】 青光眼证型治疗文献
【Key words】 glaucomasyndrometreatmentliterature
  • 【分类号】R276.7
  • 【下载频次】215

