

Clinical Study of Optimalized Proposal on Bell’s Palsy Treated by Acupuncture by Stages

【作者】 邢丹

【导师】 刘立安;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:在分期治疗周围性面瘫前期研究基础上,通过观察分析分期针刺、分期针刺加灸、分期电针、分期经筋排刺等方法治疗Bell面瘫的效果,以优化针灸分期治疗周围性面瘫的治疗方案。方法:将符合入组标准的160例Bell面瘫患者区组随机分组,采用临床对比研究观察分期针刺组、分期针刺加灸组、分期电针组、分期经筋排刺组对面神经麻痹的治疗作用。以面神经麻痹程度分级评分表评价为基础,计算显愈率和治愈率,运用正交试验设计统计学方法,采用L84×22混合水平正交表进行极差分析及F检验,最终得出各因素最优水平及最优组合,优化不同病程时期、不同损伤层面的Bell面瘫的治疗方案。结果:临床观察发现,各组周围性面瘫患者显愈率比较无统计学意义,而治愈率比较有统计学意义,说明艾灸和电针可以有效地改善周围性面瘫患者的临床症状,平均治愈率分别为75%和70%,而且可以提高患者面神经麻痹程度评分,疗效优于分期针刺和分期经筋排刺组。同时损伤部位在鼓索以下组治疗效果优于鼓索及以上组,而患者所处病程分期比较无统计学意义。结论:本实验证实了损伤病位在鼓索以下患者采用分期电针或分期针刺加艾是最佳治疗方法,电针和艾灸能显著改善周围性面瘫患者面神经麻痹程度评分。而对于病程分期的影响研究尚需大样本支持检验。

【Abstract】 Objective:Based on the previous study about facial paralysis.this study is to observe the clinical effect of acupuncture、moxibustion、electric-acupuncture and channel-acupuncture by stages and find the optimalized proposal.Methods:160 patients were randomly divided into eight groups(A-H) with 20 cases respectively and treated with acupuncture、moxibustion、electric-acupuncture and channel-acupuncture based on the plan.Then observer determined and reviewed the degree of paralysis on time and calculated the obvious curative rate and the cute rate. The last work is to compile statistics and find the optimalized plan of treatment about different time and damaged levels.Results:The result shows that the difference of obvious curative rate is not obvious The difference of the cute rate shows that electric-acupuncture and moxibustion can improve the symptoms of the face, the average cute rate are 75% and 70%.The curative effect is better than the other two treatments.At the same time,the facial nerve that was damaged below Chorda Tympani Nerve can be treated easier than the other.But the time is not important factor.Conclusion:This study proves that the patients whose facial nerve is damaged below Chorda Tympani Nerve shoud be treated with electric-acupuncture and moxibustion.Electric-acupuncture and moxibustion can improve the symptoms of the face and the influence of the time may be studied later in detail.

【关键词】 周围性面瘫分期正交试验
【Key words】 facial paralysisby stagesorthogonal experiment
  • 【分类号】R246
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】354

