

College Emergencies in the Crisis Management

【作者】 范若云

【导师】 徐求真;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从1999年开始,中国的高等教育进入了一个新的发展阶段。高校招生人数从1998年的160万增加到2009年的629万,高校数量由1900多所增加到2500多所。这一波波扩招的过程意味着高校突发危机事件发生概率在大大提升,同时也增加了突发危机事件的多样性和复杂性。这是一个不容回避的现实,所以高校突发事件的危机管理就显得十分必要。正是有感于高校发生危机的严峻现状,本文选取高校突发事件的危机管理作为研究课题。我们的努力是通过构建高校突发事件的危机管理机制系统、科学的应对高校危机事件,减少由危机事件带来的损失,更好的保护师生利益。本文首先疏理高校突发事件危机管理的基本理论,对高校突发事件的危机管理的理论进行系统的梳理,为高校突发事件的危机管理机制的构建打下理论基础,然后通过个案分析阐述高校突发危机管理的现状与问题,最后构建高校突发危机事件管理机制,本文构建的高校突发危机事件管理机制由组织机制、预防机制、应急决策机制、动员保障机制、沟通交流机制、心理干预机制和评价机制组成,全面的应对了危机管理的事发、事中和事后的整个过程。希望本文的研究能为高校突发危机事件管理提供有益的智力支持。本文的创新是系统的整合相关高校突发事件的危机管理的理论,理论与实践相结合,突出可操作性。本文希望通过这一番努力改变高校突发事件的危机管理的操作性、实践性不强的现状,改变传统的应对高校危机事件中领导个人魅力式的管理模式,实现应对危机事件的体系化、制度化管理。从而走上科学、合理的健康管理轨道。

【Abstract】 Since 1999, china’s higher education has entered a new stage of development. College student intake from160 million in 1998 to 629 million in 2009 University populations increase from 1900 to more than 2,500. This one enrollment process means that the crisis of the occurrence probability are rise, also increased a crisis of the diversity and complexity. This is an assignable reality, so the crisis management is very necessary.So I select the crisis management as a research subject. Our efforts are through constructing the crisis management system, scientific cope with the crisis reduce the loss brought by crisis, better protection of the teachers and students interests.The first chapter, we discusses the research background, problems and methods, and define basic concepts for the study of preparation. In the second chapter, the crisis management of the basic theory of the crisis management theory systematically comb for colleges and universities crisis management mechanism should lay a theoretical foundation. The third chapter, case analysis, through case analysis for colleges and universities crisis management mechanism should lay experience foundation. The fourth chapter, constructing the crisis management mechanism, in the first two chapters on the basis of the organizational mechanism, we begin to build preventive mechanism, emergency decision-making mechanism, mobilize the safeguard mechanism, communication mechanism, psychological intervention mechanism and evaluation system of college crisis management mechanism. The crisis management mechanism can deal with the whole process. The research can provide useful college crisis management mental support. This innovation is integrated systems related universities crisis management theory and combining theory with practice, prominent operability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】G647.4
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1025

