

Study on Disabled Orphans Fade in Social in Government Field of Vision

【作者】 李芳辉

【导师】 陈川;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 孤残儿童是一个长期存在的社会问题,在构建和谐社会的今天,显得尤为突出。目前,被遗弃的孤儿大多数为残疾或罹患各种疾病,从而导致大量的孤残儿童沉积在福利院内,成为福利院一个十分棘手的问题,所以说孤残儿童的救助工作任重而道远。笔者根据J市儿童福利院内孤残儿童救助工作实践中取得的经验、成效与存在的问题,通过发放的200份调查问卷、个案追踪,运用社会调查法、文献研究法和案例分析法等多种方法研究J市孤残儿童融入社会的有效途径,用大量的数据与事实,剖析了J市孤残儿童的生存现状及导致他们难以融入社会的原因,分析了J市孤残儿童救助工作中面临的问题与困境。本文对国内外关于孤残儿童救助的研究成果进行了综述,并详细介绍了新中国成立后的孤残儿童救助模式的演变,以及兄弟省市开展的孤残儿童救助所给予的启示。从公共政策的视角,确定采取从预防、救助、安置等环节入手,通过建立政府与NGO组织的伙伴关系,构建孤残儿童的政府主导下的社会化救助系统,充分发挥社会工作的先进工作理念,形成“政府主导、部门联动、社会参与、各方共管”的孤残儿童福利社会化格局。从而从真正意义上改善孤残儿童的救助环境,提高抚育质量,有效帮助孤残儿童回归家庭和社会,并健康成长。

【Abstract】 Disabled orphans is a long-standing social problems, in constructing harmonious society today, It seems particularly outstanding. At present, Abandoned orphan most for disabled or suffering from various diseases, thus resulting in a large number of the disabled children of deposition in welfare center for children, become a very tricky problem of welfare, so that children relief work is heavy and the road is long. Based on J welfare center for children relief work practice experiences made, its effects and the existing problems, the hair 200 questionnaire, case tracking, use of social investigation, and literature research and case analysis methods such as research J disabled orphans into society, the ways to use large data and facts, this paper analyzes the Ji’an disabled orphans survival situation and cause them difficult to assimilate into society, analyzes the reasons Ji’an disabled orphans relief work problems faced with difficulties. This paper researches of disabled orphans relief research results are summarized, and introduces after the founding of the disabled children of salvage pattern evolution, and carry out the disabled children brother provinces relief for inspiration. From the perspective of public policy, determined to take from prevention, relief, settlement, etc, through setting up step of government and NGO partnership, construct the government’s guiding disabled orphans under the socialization of aid system, give full play to the social work of advanced working ideas, and formed a "government leading, department linkage, social participation, parties co-management" disabled orphans welfare socialization pattern. Thus from on real significance to improve the disabled children of salvage environment, improve the quality and effectively help disabled orphans regression families and society, and healthy growth.

【关键词】 孤残儿童救助社会融入
【Key words】 disabled orphansrelieffade in Socialstudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】D632.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】645

