

The County Goverance in the Perspective of Petition

【作者】 尹平方

【导师】 尹利民;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 县域不仅是联系城市与乡村的桥梁,而且也是中央领导与地方治理以及权力运作和政策实施的交汇点,同时又是地方治理最为脆弱的区域。因此,县域治理的地位和作用日益重要。本研究通过对X县的调查发现,县域中的信访现象非常普遍,而信访的发生又折射出了县域治理过程中合法性、参与性、法治性的缺失和不足。这种缺失和不足与县域治理处在压力型的行政管理体制有很大的关联,因为压力型的行政管理体制必将导致县级政府官员的自利行为,进而催生并加剧地方民众的信访活动,而日益严峻的信访形势又反过来恶化县域治理的环境,最终影响县域治理的绩效。因此,在压力型体制下,追求自身特殊效用目标即任期内政绩最大化的县级政府及其官员的行为将不可避免地与以地方民众公共利益为核心的公共管理行为发生冲突。为此,县域治理步入良性的运行轨道,一方面需要在宏观上进行政治结构的变迁,改变政府间的压力型的行政管理模式;另一方面则需要推动县域治理结构向县域自治方向转型。

【Abstract】 County is not only the bridge that connects cities and countrysides but also plays a role in connecting the leading of central government and local goverance to operation of power and the implementation. Meanwhile, county is the weakest part in local goverance. Therefore, the status and effects of county goverance is becoming more and more important.Though a survey of X County, it is found in this research that petition is widespread in counties, which reflects the loss and deficiency of the legality, participation, rule of law in the process of county goverance. This loss and deficiency have great relevance with the pressure-based administrative system of the governance of counties. Because this pressure-based administrative system will inevitably lead to self-interest acts of government officials at the counties and give birth to or increase local people’s petition. In turn, the increased activities of local people’s petition will severely deteriorate the goverance environment of county. Ultimately it will affect the performance of county governance. Therefore, under a pressure-type system, acts of county government and its officials who pursue their own goals that is to maximize achievements in his official career will inevitably be in conflict with local public administration acts which is the core of public interest. So, in order to keep the county goverance in a benign orbit, on the one hand, it is necessary to change the political structure in macro level, that is to change the stress modle of executive management between government, on the other hand, there is need to promote the transition of the structure of county governance to the structure of autonomy of county governance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

