

Study on the System of Chaoyi in Hanwu Emperor Period

【作者】 郜金山

【导师】 袁礼华;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 朝议制度滥觞于原始社会的民主议事制,经过夏商周三代以及春秋战国时期的发展,到汉代已经逐步确立起来。作为我国封建社会一种重要的政治制度,朝议制度为社会的发展发挥了不可替代的作用。汉武帝一朝巩固了统治,强化了中央集权,对内、对外采取一系列切实可行的措施,发展了社会经济,维护了国家的统一,这些成就的取得都是与朝议制度的实行密切相关。同时,汉武帝还采用中外朝议这种新的朝议形式,对后世产生了巨大的影响。但是,由于时代和阶级的局限性,汉武帝时期的朝议制度不可避免的存在着不足。本文从汉武帝时期朝议制度的形式、汉武帝时期朝议制度的运作机制和汉武帝时期朝议制度的性质、特点、影响三个方面对汉武帝时期朝议制度加以研究。

【Abstract】 The system of Chaoyi appeared in the democratic of primitive communes,after the development in the times of Xia,Shang,Zhou dynasties and the Spring and Autumn periods.As an important political system in the feudal society,the syetem of Chaoyi had played an irreplaceable part in the development of society.In Hanwu emperor period,he consolidated his rules,intensified centralization,took a series of feasible of the state,such great achievements could not be realized without the system of Chaoyi.At the same time,Hanwu emperor had adopted new methods——inner and external chambers politics,the new methods had lasted a far-reaching impact on later age.However,due to limitations of the age and class,the system of Chaoyi in Hanwu emperor period had many shortcomings.This paper mainly studies the forms,operation mechanisms,quality,characteristic and influence of the system of Chaoyi in Hanwu emperor period.

【关键词】 汉武帝朝议制度中朝议研究
【Key words】 Hanwu emperorthe system of Chaoyiinner chambers politicsstudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

