

Study on Comparative Analysis and Optimizing Strategy of Industrial Structure in Central China

【作者】 曹焕俊

【导师】 欧阳有旺;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 产业结构调整和优化升级是区域经济发展中必须面对和解决的问题,也是推动区域经济发展的关键因素。中部六省处于我国内陆腹地,具有承东启西、连南通北的区位优势。区域内资源丰富,农业生产优势明显,工业基础雄厚,具有加快经济社会发展的良好条件。中部六省在我国区域经济格局中具有重要的战略地位,但是近年来,发展却落后了,成为了“塌陷”地区,究其原因,中部六省产业结构的落后及不合理是重要原因之一。为了促进中部地区更好的发展,国家提出了促进中部崛起的战略,自中部崛起战略实施以来,中部六省抓住机遇调整产业结构,发展速度加快,总体实力也进一步增强。如今随着《促进中部崛起规划》及相关实施意见的出台,中部六省将进入崛起的关键时期,抓住发展的机遇在新的形势下加快产业结构的优化升级对于加速中部崛起以及形成区域协调发展的新格局具有重要的意义。本文运用大量的数据对中部六省产业结构进行了比较研究。首先运用定量和定性分析的方法对中部六省产业结构的演进进行了纵向的比较分析,运用时间序列数据对中部六省产业结构的演进与经济增长的关系进行了实证分析,其次从产业结构变动度、产业专业化水平、产业结构效益及三次产业就业弹性对中部六省产业结构进行了横向的比较分析,最后针对中部六省产业结构存在的问题提出了产业结构优化升级的对策建议,为中部六省制定合理的产业规划提供参考意见。

【Abstract】 The upgrading and structural optimization of industry is the problem that the regional economy development must be faced and solved, and it is also the key factor to promote the regional economy development. China’s central region is in the hinterland that occupies the geographic location position, linking the east and west, south and north. Natural resource is rich in the region; the advantage of agricultural production is obvious; the industry foundation is solid and the industrial system is complete in range, which create the good conditions for the economic and social development. China’s central region occupies the important strategic position, but its economic development lags behind and becomes the "collapse area" in recent years. The most important reason is the backward and unreasonable of industry. In order to encourage the central region to develop better, government proposed the strategy of promoting the central region rise sharply. Since the strategy is carried out, the six provinces have seized the opportunity to adjust the industrial structure, accelerating the pace of development and enhancing the overall strength. Now, with the introduction of the "planning of promoting the central region rise" and the related implement suggestions, central region will enter into the critical period of rising. To seize the development opportunity and in the new situation to accelerate the upgrading and structural optimization of industry has the important significance on accelerating the rising of central region and forming the new pattern of regional economy coordinated growth.The paper reaches the central region industrial structure that focuses on the various data. Firstly, using the quantitative and qualitative methods, the paper analyzes the evolution of the six provinces’industrial structure from longitudinal angle, and also introduces the relationship between the industrial adjustment and economic growth using the time series data. Then the paper does a horizontal and comparative analysis from the changing degree of industrial structure, the level of industrial specialization, efficiency of industrial structure and employment elasticity of industry. Lastly, the paper discusses the problems existing the industrial structure and suggestions for the optimization and upgrading of industry, which will provide the reference opinions on developing the reasonable industry plan for the six provinces.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

