

3D Sole Pattern Reconstruction and Matching

【作者】 王兴悦

【导师】 吴建华;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着犯罪形式的变化,在案件侦查过程中,足迹检验技术得到了越来越广泛的应用,也越来越得到司法部门和公安机关的重视。鞋印图像作为一个包含着丰富信息的高冗余度载体,能较好地反映出案发现场罪犯所留下的犯罪痕迹。然而,现场拍照所取得的图像有很多信息是残缺的,并且很难以让肉眼识别,因此,如何使图像信息得到最大限度的使用是一个迫在眉睫的问题。另外,随着罪犯的反侦察能力的不断提升,已经成熟的2D技术逐渐有了其局限性,3D图像处理得到了更为广泛的使用。本文提出构造一个对犯罪现场提取的鞋印进行精确检测的系统。利用激光扫描仪对现场采集的鞋印进行数据提取。所得到的数据为三维点云数据,在MFC平台下,利用OpenGL软件进行鞋印图像的点云显示。标记包围盒算法被用于对数据进行约简和重构,同时利用ICP算法对现场采集数据和数据库中的鞋印数据进行比对和匹配,得出现场采集鞋印的型号及相关信息,从而为公安人员破案提供有效的参考和依据。

【Abstract】 With the change of means of crime, footprint detecting technology has been found more and more applications in investigating and solve the criminal cases, and it has been more concerned by justice and public security departments. As an information carrier, of high redundancy, footprint images can contain plenty of information. Therefore, shoeprint images can indicate trace of crime quite well in crime scene. However, the pictures taken in crime scene are often incomplete and, as a result, are quite difficult to recognize. Therefore, how to take full advantage of shoeprint images is an urgent issue nowadays. Moreover, with enhance of criminals’ anti- detection capability, the state-of-the-art 2D graphic processing technology has shown its increasing limitations. Consequently,3D graphic processing attracts more intention of researchers.This dissertation presents a precise shoeprint detection system for footprints taken from the crime scene. The principle of the system is that, firstly, the footprint data is extracted the footprint pictures taken from in crime scene by laser scanner, the collected data is stored the form of 3D point cloud. Then the OpenGL software is used to visualize the point cloud of footprint in the platform of MFC. Next, in order to get the model and some relevant information of the footprint, it is necessary to do the deta reduction and reconstruction by using the marked bounding box method. Afterwards, the ICP algorithm is used to compare and match the footprint data collected from crime scene and the footprint data in database, in order to get the information such as the size and the manufacturer of the shoes. In conclusion, this system is much helpful for police.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

