

Study on Raoping Hakka People Immigrated to Taiwan in Ming and Qing Dynasty and the Interaction between the Two Erea

【作者】 陈汉元

【导师】 房学嘉;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要以清代饶平县为考察区域,以田野调查为基本的研究方法,通过利用历史学、人类学、社会学等学科的理论与方法,充分利用田野调查所获民间文献结合正史文献,探讨明清时期饶平人迁台的相关问题。试图勾勒出明清时期饶平人从原乡移居台湾及两岸互动较为完整的图景,并与相关的研究成果进行对话,从而丰富了粤东移民台湾史的研究,对明清时期广东地区移民台湾的研究有着重大的学术意义和现实意义。研究结果显示,清代众多饶平人在台从事商贸活动。以“土地贫瘠”、“生活艰苦”、“环境恶劣”、“谋生不易”“人地矛盾”等表述作为解释迁台的原因过于笼统。清代饶平山区部分地带确实面临着生计困难的问题,这是饶平人迁台的客观因素之一。但是,人地关系并非是将一地耕地面积与人口数量的直接对应,而应考虑土地的所有权。移民网络的存在也是迁台的一个重要因素之一。从影响饶平人迁台的因素来看,将推拉理论放置于不同的个案或是同一个案不同个体、不同的时空中时,显然不太适用。迁台的原因通常并不能用单个因素所能解释,而是在一定的历史脉络中进行历时性的变化,同时处于一个“非线性关联的系统”之中。清代饶平与台湾的往来紧密而频繁,即使是在“日据”时代,虽然遇到不少阻碍,但饶、台两地宗亲乡人及经济文化的联系却从未中断。“持续迁台”是清代早期饶、台两地互动的一种主要形式。以宗亲乡亲为基础的地缘组织是饶、台两地联系与经济文化交流和传播的纽带。这样的纽带作用表现为既延续了原乡的地方文化传统,同时两岸互动又与台湾的宗族乡亲的保持着密切的互动联系。饶平与台湾在血缘、文化等方面一脉相承。两岸同胞乃同根同源。

【Abstract】 This paper investigated the Qing Dynasty Raoping County area by the fieldwok as the basic research methods, through the use of theories and methods of history, anthropology, sociology and other disciplines, making full use of the folk literature obtained from the fieldwork,combined with the official history of literature, to explore the Ming and Qing Dynasties Raoping people moved to Taiwan and related issues, trying to outline a more complete picture of Raoping people moved to Taiwan from the original townshipthe in Ming and Qing Dynasties and interaction between the two erea. At the same time,dialogue with the the research results-related. Thus enriching the Yue-dong migration of Taiwanese history. The research of immigration to Taiwan from Guangdong region has great academic and practical significance.The results showed that a number of Raoping people engaged in trade in the Qing Dynasty in Taiwan. It is too general to take expression of "Land is poor", "Life is difficult","Environment is bad ","Living is not easy," "the contradiction between people and land" etc, as a general interpretation of the reasons for moving to Taiwan. Some people in Raoping mountainous areas do face some difficult questions livelihood in the Qing Dynasty, which is one of the important objective factors of Raoping people moved to Taiwan,However, the relationship between people and land is not arable land area and a population to direct correspondence,should consider the ownership of the land. The presence of the emigrant network is also an important factor of moving to Taiwan. From the impact factor of Raoping people moved to Taiwan, it clearly shows the Push-pull theory is not applicable, which is placed in the different cases, or the same case in different individuals and different time and space. For the most part, a single factor can not be explained many reasons for moving to Taiwan, but in some historical context for diachronic change, while in a "non-linear system associated with" being.Exchanges between Taiwan and Dynasty Raoping was close and frequent in the Qing, even in the "Japaneseera", although encountered many obstacles,the contact among the clan, the association, the economy, the culture between the two erea was never interrupted. "Continuing to move to Taiwan"is a major form of interaction between the two places in early Qing Dynasty. Fellow clan-based geographical organization is the economic and cultural exchanges and communication links between Raoping and Taiwan, which have inheritanced the local heritage and cultural traditions of the original township, but also have maintained close contact interaction with fellow-clan of Taiwan.Raoping and Taiwan in the blood, culture and other aspects of the same strain. Compatriots on both sides is the same root.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

