

Study on the Effects of Eco-toxicity of Petroleum-Contaminated Soil on Plants Growth

【作者】 荣亮

【导师】 弓晓峰; 刘足根;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 环境科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着石油开采和使用量的增加,大量的石油及其产品进入环境,不可避免地对环境造成了污染,给生物和人类带来了严重危害。石油类污染物进入土壤后,可引起土壤理化性质的变化、改变土壤微生物区系、可渗入地下并污染地下水等一系列问题,所以如何修复石油污染土壤成为人们关注的焦点。而植物修复技术以其投入低、操作性强、适应性广、无二次污染,可在清除土壤污染的同时,清除污染土壤周围的大气和水体中的污染物等优点,正逐渐成为未来石油污染治理的一个重要研究方向。本试验以黑麦草Lolium perenne、高羊茅Festuca arundinacea、披碱草Elymus dahuricus、紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa、沙打旺Astragalus adsurgens和翅碱蓬S.hetroptera Kitag这6种植物为研究对象,通过盆栽模拟试验,研究0%、1%、5%和10%4个不同浓度石油污染土壤处理对这6种植物生长生理的影响,全面监测和评价石油污染物胁迫对这6种受试植物的毒性效应,及种植前后土壤含油率和生物指标的变化情况,得出的主要结论如下:1)紫花苜蓿和沙打旺在盐碱化与石油污染双重胁迫的土壤中发芽率低,各浓度石油处理中的翅碱蓬在生长14d左右死亡率高,均不适宜作为修复植物进行进一步的研究。故本研究选取黑麦草、高羊茅和披碱草为主要的研究植物进行修复后的植物生理和土壤生化指标分析。2)随着土壤石油污染浓度的增加,在试验末期三种植物的根生长和株高均随着土壤石油污染浓度的升高而降低,说明土壤石油污染会对这三种植物的根生长和株高产生抑制作用,根生长和株高都可作为指示土壤受石油污染情况的植物指标进行研究。3)植株叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)与过氧化物酶(POD)的活性都随着土壤石油污染浓度的升高而增大,其活性变化与石油污染浓度具有一定的相关性;植株叶片中丙二醛(MDA)含量也随土壤中石油烃浓度的升高而增大。说明SOD、POD活性和MDA含量等植物酶指标都能较早、较敏感地指示环境的变化。4)石油污染对土壤脱氢酶、多酚氧化酶和脂肪酶这三种土壤酶活性的影响多表现为促进作用,土壤脱氢酶和多酚氧化酶的活性随着石油污染浓度的升高呈上升趋势,这两种土壤酶可以用来指示土壤受石油污染的程度。5)石油污染在一定范围内可以刺激土壤微生物活动,且原油中部分成分可作为土壤微生物生长所需的C源和能量来源,使得石油烃的相对降解率(相对空白土)随着土壤石油污染浓度的升高而增大。与原油的组分相比,种植过受试植物的石油烃土壤,其土壤中饱和烃、非烃、胶质和沥青质的含量与供试土壤原油中各含量的百分比相比显著降低,而芳烃的百分比含量则增加。

【Abstract】 With the increase of petroleum extraction and usage, a large amount of petroleum and its products were entry into the environment which inevitably polluted the environment and seriously harmed creatures and human. How to repair petroleum-contaminated soil has been attracting considerable public attention for petroleum may lead to a series of problems such as changing physicochemical property and microflora of soils, penetrating into underground and then polluting groundwater and so on. The phytoremediation technique of petroleum-contaminated soil is becoming an important research area for the advantage of low cost, high maneuverability, wide adaptability, removing or degrading pollutant in soil, atmosphere and water at the same time, no secondary contamination and so on.6 plants (Lolium perenne., Festuca arundinacea, Elymus dahuricus, Medicago sativa, Astragalus adsurgens, S. hetroptera Kitag) planted in contaminated soils were observed at 4 pollution concentration levels (a serial petroleum concentration of 0,1%,5% and 10% by dry weight) in greenhouse pot experiments. Analyze seeding growth and serials biochemical indexes of soil, in order to identify remediation plants from these field crops and provide theoretical basis for the phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil. The main results were as follows:1) The results showed that these seeds significantly differentresponses to petroleum pollution. Compared with those planted in clean soils, the germination of most seeds planted in the contaminated soils was obviously inhibited. Medicago sativa L., Astragalus adsurgens Pall., S. hetroptera Kitag were the ornamental affected most adversely. Fortunately, strong endurance and high seed germination were observed for the other seeds under 4 different levels of petroleum pollution, thus displaying the potential of remedying petroleum contaminated soils. The responses of seeding growth and so on of Lolium perenne L.,Festuca arundinacea and Elymus dahuricus Turcz. to petroleum contamination were emphatically studied in the next experiments.2) During the seedling growth initial stage, results show that the variation of oil concentration of soil has different effects on each plant growth. Crude oil restrains growth of them when its content is high. All treatments have less effect on seed germination, individual height and fresh weight of Lolium perenne L., Festuca arundinacea and Elymus dahuricus Turcz.. They can be fit to grow on the crude oil-contaminated soils by itself and with the biggest experimental potential to phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils in this experiment.3) With the increase of the concentrations of petroleum, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the activities of peroxidase (POD) in all leaves were increased during stages, the contents of malondialdehyd (MDA) were significantly increased too. The activities of antioxidant enzymes in maize leaves were significantly negative correlated to the plant height. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), the activities of peroxidase (POD) and the contents of malondialdehyd (MDA) were more sensitively changes in the environment.4) The existence of petroleum pollution had mostly stimulated the activity of three kinds of soil enzymes (dehydrogenase, polyphenoloxidase and lipase in soils). The activity of dehydrogenase and polyphenoloxidase in soils were increased with the increase of the the concentrations of petroleum, and the activity of them were also more sensitively changes in the environment.5) The phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil harm obviously for growth indexes, seed quality of the three seeds, which can promote on the bacteria growth in the soil. With the increase of the concentrations of petroleum, the degradation rate was increased.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

