

Study on Zong Mi’s Thoughts of Combinnation

【作者】 张业峰

【导师】 苏树华;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 中国哲学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 宗密禅师是唐中后期最著名的僧人之一,在中国佛教史和中国哲学史上都产生过重要影响。他学贯儒释道,身兼荷泽与华严两家法脉,“和会”是其思想体系的主要特点。在他看来,诸法无二无别,融通无碍。本文对“和会”思想的探讨集中于“禅教一致”、“和会诸宗”、“三教会通”三个方面,通过分析,我们既可以感受到禅者的高深造诣,又可以领略到学者的严谨逻辑。本觉真心为一切有情所本有,是佛教的本质,亦是宗密“和会”思想的核心。他以“本觉真心”总该万法,在始终未离佛之本意的前提下,缓和了中国佛教中许多悬而未决的矛盾。在“局之则皆非,会之则皆是”的视野下,本文以宗密著述为基础,结合禅宗史实,分析宗密“和会”思想的主要内容及影响。

【Abstract】 Zen master Zong Mi, as one of the most famous monks in the late Tang Dynasty, has influenced the history of Chinese Buddhism and the history of Chinese philosophy. He experts on Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoists with lineage to Heze Sect and Huayan Sect. In the system of Zong Mi’s ideology, the main feature is "Combination". In his view, there is no difference from all dharms. Zong Mi’s thoughts of "Combination" mainly includes "combine the doctrine and Zen", "combine all sects", "combine Confucianism Buddhism and Taoists". By analyzing Zong Mi’s literature, we can easily learn that he was possessed of great attainments in Buddhism and strict logical thinking. He combined all dharmas with "wisdom of gnosis" and mitigated the contradictions of Chinese Buddhism."Don’t be limited to one viewpoint". According to the historical fact of Zen and his writings, this paper will analyze Zong Mi’s thoughts of "Combination"

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

