

The Thoughts to the Situation on "TV Play Strategy" of the Televition Station

【作者】 刘擎

【导师】 陈信凌;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当今社会,电视剧以其引人入胜的故事情节、丰富多彩的题材类型和灵活多样的表现形式,受到广大电视观众的青睐,连续多年高居电视节目市场收视份额榜首,不仅满足了人民群众的精神文化需求,也为电视台创造了良好的经济收益,在我国电视行业具有举足轻重的作用。电视剧作为最重要的电视节目类型,被各电视台尤其是省级卫视当作与其他电视台竞争的战略,普遍采用,大量播出。本文首先对电视剧进行了概况描述,了解其在我国的发展阶段、题材类型和功能特点。进而以大量数据从电视剧的制作、购买、播出等方面证明电视台“剧战略”的实际存在,同时分析其现状特点。通过对现状的全面分析,归纳总结“剧战略”实施不当所产生的弱化电视良性功能、破坏电视媒介生态、制约传媒经济健康发展等问题。并由此引发对电视台“剧战略”的相关思考,得出电视台必须坚持社会责任、必须强化特色定位和必须保持市场活力三项建议。

【Abstract】 In today’s society, the TV drama was welcomed by the majority of TV viewers for its fascinating story, rich subject matters and diverse type forms. The TV drama was on top TV viewing share of the market for highest conscutive years, which not only satisfied people’s spiritual and cultural needs, but also created a good economic benefits for televsion stations. TV drama in China had a decisive role in televition industry.The TV drama as an important type of television program, was largely broadcasted by lots of television stations, especially the provincial TV station.Firstly, the paper described the TV drama’s overview and understood the features of their stage of development, the types of the subject matter and functions. Secondly, to prove that the "play strategy" actually existed by large amounts of data from the TV’s drama’s manufacture, purchase, broadcasting, and etc.At the same time, to analyze the characteristics of the situation. Thirdly, through a comprhensive analysis to the situation, the writer summarized the problem which was if the "play strategy" carried out inappropriate, it would weaken the TV benign function, damage the ecology of TV media, restricting the healthy development of the media economy and other issues. And this led us think on TV "play strategy". Finally, the writer got three proposals which were that the television stations must adhere to social responsibility; strengthening features and maintaining vitality of the market.

【关键词】 电视台电视剧电视功能传媒经济
【Key words】 TV StationTV DramaTV FunctionMedia Economy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

