

Analyses and Case Study on Environmental Impact of District-level General Hospital Construction Project

【作者】 裴永胜

【导师】 金腊华; 崔侠;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 区级综合性医院作为城市建设必不可少的基础设施,对于防病治病、保障人群健康,具有十分重要的作用。但在其施工期和投入运营后,都会不可避免地对周围环境产生一定的影响。因此,有必要对区级医院建设项目进行环境影响分析和评价。本文通过理论研究和实例分析,对区级综合医院建设项目的环境影响进行了系统分析,得到如下认识:(1)在区级医院建设项目的施工期,主要污染源是施工扬尘、施工机械排放的尾气、施工废水、施工场地水土流失和施工噪声以及施工产生的余土、余渣等;在区级医院建设项目的运营期,主要污染源是医院医疗废水和医疗固体废物。(2)医院建设项目施工期施工场地和运输车辆扬尘对施工周围TSP贡献可采用经验系数法估算,应对施工扬尘采取工地洒水和通过挡风栅栏降低风速等措施来降低污染影响;施工期废水可采用经验法估算,且必须经过沉淀等预处理后才‘能排放;施工噪声主要来自施工机械运转,应避免夜间施工(3)在医院装修期间存在的主要环境污染因素包括:装修板材散发的不良气味;使用的黏合剂时散发的有机废气;装修过程产生的扬尘和噪声等;板材的边角废料等固体废物等。(4)医院在营运期产生的固体废物包括医疗废物、备用发电机废机油、食堂隔油池废油脂、污水处理站污泥和生活垃圾,其中前四者都属于危险固体废物,必须按照危险废物转移联单管理,并交由具有危险废物处置资质的单位进行无害化处理。(5)医院建设项目潜在的事故风险表现在未达标污水的排放、医疗废物、特殊区域负压排气的泄漏、流失,从而对环境和人体健康产生不良影响。发生风险的原因主要是人为因素,在采取一系列控制措施后,泄漏、流失等事故可得到有效防范,一旦发生事故,其后果可得到有效控制。本文还以广州萝岗中心医院建设项目为实例进行了分析。本文研究成果可供类似的医院建设项目环境影响评价参考。

【Abstract】 A district compound hospitals as essential infrastructure in urban construction plays a very important role for preventing and treating diseases, safeguard human health. But it will inevitably cause certain environmental impact during its construction and operation,. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and assess the environmental impact of district-level compound hospital construction project. Through theoretical research and example analysis, this paper has given a systematical analysis on the environmentak impact of a district-level compound hospital construction project, and the following regulations have been found.(1) During the construction of a district-level compound hospital, main pollution sources are construction dust, construction machinery exhaust, construction wastewater, soil erosion at the construction site, construction noise and the construction waste material etc. The main pollution sources are hospital medical wastewater and medical solid wastes during the period of the hospital operation.(2) The experience coefficient method may be applied to estimates the amount of TSP contributed by construction site and vehicles dust during the construction. Hence, some practical measurenet should be adopted to reduce those pollution affects, such as adopting construction site sprinkler or installing windscreen fence to redunce wind speed in order to control cpnstruction dust. Also, the construction wastewater may be estimated by the experience coefficient method, and it must be pre-treated through precipitation. Construction noise is mostly from construction machinery operation, should avoiding night construction.(3) During decorating, the main environmental pollution factors include:the bad smells from fitment plank stuff, the organic waste gases from binder, the dust and noise during decorating and solid waste such as plank corners waste products.(4) During hospital operating period, solid wastes include medical wastes, spent oil from the back-up generator and from dining room, sledage from the wastewater treatment station and living garbage. The first four belongs to dangerous solid waste according to hazardous waste management, transferred and assigned to dangerous waste disposal qualification of units for free-pollution disposal.(5) The environmental risk of the hospital project behaves as effluent of raw wastewater, medical wastes, leakage and losses of the exhaust from the special regional negative pressure area, which may cause bad effects on the environment and human health. Main risk causes are human elelments. After taking a series of control measures, leakage and accident loss can be effectively reduced, and once happened, the consequences can be effectively controlled.The Guangzhou LuoGang Center Hospital construction Project has also been taken as an example to analyze the environmental impact assessment in this paper. The research results of this paper could be referenced for similar construction project of the hospital environment impact assessment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】X820.3
  • 【下载频次】296

