

In the Context of Media Convergence Reports of Unexpected Events

【作者】 岑颖智

【导师】 陈伟军;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在突发事件中,媒体扮演着政府与公众之间信息流通渠道的重要角色,它是实现政府与公众沟通的桥梁和纽带。媒体报道对公众情绪有着重要的影响,稍有不慎便会引发公众情绪的大动荡。随着电子技术、网络技术的高速发展,诞生了以利用数字技术、网络技术,通过互联网、宽带局域网、无线通信网、卫星等渠道,以及电脑、手机、数字电视机等终端,向用户提供信息和娱乐服务的传播形态,极大地拓宽了公众接受信息的渠道,对社会政治、经济、文化、生活产生了重大的影响。基于这种现实,在新媒介与传统媒介融合的背景下,传媒在对突发事件报道处理、满足群众知情权、表达民意以及舆论监督等方面都取得了突破性的进展,但是,也正是由于这种媒介融合的状态,在一定程度上导致了突发事件报道呈现出无约束状态,暴露出了在这种媒介融合背景下对突发事件报道的种种问题,使大众在海量的信息舆论中陷入迷茫和恐慌状态,极易使突发事件失去控制,造成更大危害。因此,研究媒介融合背景下的突发新闻报道,使得突发事件的新闻报道有效促成政府、公众与传媒的良性互动,更好发挥大众传媒在突发事件中的功能,促进突发事件处理的科学化,推动社会和谐发展进程,无疑具有理论意义和现实意义。本文在阐述媒介融合的特征及其对新闻业务的影响基础上,分析了媒介融合背景下突发事件报道的特点和功能,并结合“HIN1”、“汶川地震”等近年来发生在我国具有典型性的突发事件,探讨我国媒体在媒介融合背景下对突发事件报道中存在的问题,并从传播学、社会学的角度提出了突发事件报道的创新策略。

【Abstract】 In emergencies, the media played between the government and the public the important role of information distribution channels, both government and the public to achieve a bridge and link. Media coverage on the public mood has a significant impact on the slightest mistake will lead to large volatile public mood.As electronic technology, the rapid development of network technology, was born to take advantage of digital technology, network technology, the Internet, broadband local area network, wireless communication network, satellite and other channels, as well as computers, mobile phones, digital televisions and other terminals to provide information to the user form of communication and entertainment services, greatly expanded the channels for the public to receive information on the social, political, economic, cultural, life had a significant impact. Based on this reality, in the context of integration of old and new media, media coverage dealing with emergencies, to meet the people’s right to information, expression of public opinion and public opinion has made a breakthrough, however, precisely because of this media convergence the state of emergency prompted the state reports show no restraint, the crisis has exposed the various decision-making function of anomie in the mass media. The information led to the general public opinion in the mass confusion and panic in the state is limited. Vulnerable to unexpected events out of control, causing more harm. Therefore, the study of news media coverage in the Background of innovation, so that unexpected events can bring the public news reports the positive interaction with the media, mass media to play better in the crisis in public functions, to better promote the emergency treatment scientific, and promote social harmony and development process, no doubt has a certain theoretical and practical significance.This paper describes the characteristics of media convergence and its impact on the public, based on analysis of media convergence reported in the context of emergencies features and functionality, combined with "HIN1", "earthquake" and other unexpected events, media in China is discussed breaking news reported problems, and from the communication, sociological point of emergency news is proposed Innovation Strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】G212
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】835

