

The Patterns of Internationalization and Competitive Study of Classic Large Household Appliance Enterprises in China

【作者】 杨翊

【导师】 王国庆;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来,我国经济取得了举世瞩目的成绩,空前崛起的经济为中国制造业提供了很好的国际化经营环境。在经济全球化的推动下,面对世界经济结构调整,产业转移的历史机遇,为我国企业,特别是大型企业集团注入了新的活力,如何转变经营发展方式,积极参与国际竞争,充分利用全球资源,采用何种国际化经营模式,逐步实现跨国经营,这是我国企业面临的严峻课题。我国家电产业以改革开放为契机,历经起步、跨越式发展之后,无论是生产规模,还是产品品种均已跃居全球之首。家电产业已经步入成熟发展时期,我国已经成为全球最大的家电制造国。虽然,我国大型家电企业与全球跨国家电巨头,在资本、人才、产品品牌、核心技术和国际化经营方面尚存差距,但是基于国内市场日趋饱和,利润变薄,产能过剩,洋货“入侵”等压力,积极主动地应对经济全球化,参与国际竞争“互化”,大胆开展跨国经营,拓宽发展空间,追求全球价值链利润最大化,走跨国经营之路是企业发展的必然趋势。自20世纪90年代以来,海尔、TCL和格力根据国际化经营发展战略目标,结合企业在不同阶段的自身条件,采取了不同的国际化经营模式,相继开始了跨国经营,为我国后国际化经营的企业积累了宝贵经验。同时,为我国后国际化经营的家电企业和其它领域的企业也提供了重要的参考价值和指引。本文回顾了我国家电产业发展历程;分析了国际化经营的有利条件和不利因素;依据国际化经营相关理论对其国际化经营的必然性进行了论证;对海尔、TCL和格力国际化经营进行了综述;归纳出我国家电企业国际化经营模式;结合企业国际化相关理论建立了企业国际市场进入战略的原子分析框架;重点对海尔、TCL和格力国际化经营模式的路径、动机、目标、区位、竞争优势等进行了比较研究;剖析了其利弊,梳理比较了他们国际化经营的相同之点和不同之处;总结了其经验和教训,提出了确保企业国际化经营向纵深层次发展的启示和建议。得出了国际化经营企业无论采取何种模式都要视其企业所处发展时期和国际分工的位置,适时调整相应的国际化经营模式。

【Abstract】 Since China adopted the reform and opening up policies, its economy has achieved well recognized fast growth. The unprecedented development has offered good international business condition for domestic Chinese industries.Accompany with the promotion of economic globalization, facing the economic structural adjustment of the world and historic opportunity of the industries relocated from other parts of the country, which endows our enterprises, specially the large enterprise groups, with energy and realizes the multinational management by degrees of this is a serious subject of our country.Due to the turning point of the policy of reform and opening up after going through the development stage of the very beginning and the big leap forward development courses, the Household Appliance Enterprises(HAES) of our country have been growing into the No.1 of the world in both of the production on a scale and product variety. The HAES has matured and our country has become the world’s largest production-manufacturing center.Our HAES have difference in capital, talents, product brand, core technology and internationalization compared with global multinational corporations. As the saturation of domestic market, the narrowing of benefit margin, excess production capacity and the invasion of foreign goods, the enterprises of our country should learn to deal with the global economical situation initiatively, participate in the international competition, engage in the business abroad with boldness, open up the development space, seek the maximization of Global Value Chain (GVC).This is road to be inexorable trend for enterprises to do internationalization.Haier,Tcl and Gree took different patterns to do the internationalization based on the goals of their internationalization strategy and their conditions in different stages of development since 90’s of 20th century. All of these gain valuable experience for the enterprises which want to do the internationalization. At the same time, they provide the great value for reference and guidance for the HAES which want to do the internationalization and enterprises in other fields. This article reviews the history of our HAES, analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the environment for engaging in the international business, summarizes the internationalization of Haier,Tcl and Gree, conclude the patterns of internationalization for HAES of our country, set up the atom analytic frame for enterprises to enter the international market according to the theories of internationalization and be related, highlights the comparative study of the path, motive, goal, location and competitive advantages of Haier, Tcl and Gree’s patterns for internationalization, parse the pros and cors and makes comparison of the similarities and differences in their international operations, summarizes the experience and lessons, presents the inspirations and suggestions to ensure the enterprises to do the internationalization widely and deeply and draw a conclusion of the enterprises which want to engage in the international business abroad should adjust the patterns of their using timely according to the periods of the enterprise development they are being through and the place they stay in the international division of labor no matter what patterns they use.

【关键词】 家电企业国际化模式比较
【Key words】 Household ApplianceEnterpriseInternationalizationPattern
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F426.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】898

