

【作者】 赵莹

【导师】 张德江;

【作者基本信息】 长春工业大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来冶金工业快速发展,由于这一行业生产耗能高的特点,它已成为现代工业企业中的耗能大户。中钢集团吉林铁合金公司是国内冶金行业的重要骨干企业,是全国最大、品种最多的铁合金生产和供应基地。在铁合金生产过程中,主要的耗能设备为矿热炉。矿热炉是一个复杂的系统,其冶炼过程具有时变性、非线性和强耦合特点,三相电压、三相弧流设定点的不同都会对电弧长度产生影响。因此,选择合理的矿热炉供电策略能够有效的降低消耗、电极损耗和耐材侵蚀,缩短冶炼周期,从而降低冶炼成本、提高生产率。常规的供电策略制定通常为如何确定工作电流,而在矿热炉的冶炼过程中,冶炼周期和铁合金每吨电耗及电弧功率均有着密切的关系。因此,合理的供电策略的制定不仅仅是工作电流的选择问题。本文在查阅了大量国内外相关文献的基础上,以中钢集团吉林铁合金公司冶炼钨铁合金的生产过程为背景,针对冶炼过程中的不同工况特点把握有利的加热条件:首先对矿热炉生产工艺进行分析,采用支持向量机的方法,建立了矿热炉的炉况判断模型,并根据炉内能量的状况给出了熔化期四个阶段的冶炼进程估计;然后基于能量平衡方程建立熔化期的能量输入优化模型,针对不同的炉况,根据能量输入优化指标,采用遗传算法进行工作电流、电压以及电抗的选取,得到一种合理的供电策略,进而实现矿热炉输入能量的优化。通过对吉林铁合金股份有限公司404#炉生产钨铁合金的40炉次实验数据进行对比的,结果验证了本文所提方法的有效性。由于在矿热炉冶炼过程中采用了输入能量优化技术,从整体上提高了矿热炉冶炼过程自动化程度,提高了能源信息管理水平,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。更为重要的是,通过本课题研究,摸索和积累了一定经验,为复杂工业过程的建模及优化控制提供了一套实用的、值得借鉴的工业节能实现方法。

【Abstract】 The metallurgical industry has developed rapidly in the last few years. it has already become the big energy eaters in the modern industrial enterprise by its various power consume equipment and the higher quality demand of electric energy. Jilin Ferroalloy Company is the important leading enterprise of the domestic metallurgical trade, and especially the largest ferroalloy production factory. The main dissipation energy equipment is a hot stove of ore. The smelting course of ore is a complicated system, characterized by the non-linear and strong coupling. Three-phase voltage and three-phase have some impacts on length of electric arc. So, the reasonable power supply strategy can reduce the production efficiency, consumption of resources and electrode loss. The smelting cycle is shortened and the production efficiency can be raised.Routine power supply tactics is to confirm the work electric current. But in the course of smelting of ore, smelting cycle has a close relation with the power of electric arc and each ton electricity of ferroalloy. So the decision of the rational power supply tactics is not merely the choice problem of the working electric current. regarding the production process of the ferroalloy subsidiary factory of Jilin steel group, this paper analyze the favorable heating condition to smelting in different operating mode, establish the hot stove condition judgment model and provide the estimation of four stages of melting stage of state of energy in the stove according to the smelting process through the method of vector quantity supporting machine. Based on the model of optimization of the balanced, melting stage of equation of energy is set up. For different stove conditions and the index of energy optimizing, the genetic algorithm is adopted to choose job electric current, voltage and reactance. Rational power supply tactics is got and then the hot stove of ore imports is optimized. The result of the test has verified the validity of the method that this paper proposed.For adopting introduction energy optimization technology in the production process of, hot stove, it has improve the automatic degree of smelt course, strengthened energy information managerial ability, made the remarkable economic benefits and social benefit. The more important thing is that through this subject research, certain experience is accumulated and industrialized implementation methods of model and optimization of complicated industry process is presented in this paper which can be a favorable reference.

【关键词】 自适应遗传算法支持向量优化矿热炉
【Key words】 AdaptiveGASVMOptimizationSubmerged arc furnace

