

【作者】 高玉怀

【导师】 张志刚;

【作者基本信息】 长春工业大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作为德育工作重要载体的校园文化,不仅是学校自身建设的重要组成部分,同时也具有引领和示范社会先进文化建设和发展的方向的社会功能和责任。在高校和社会各界的关注和重视下,高校校园文化建设普遍取得了可喜的新进展,迅速发展成为一种自觉、稳定而有组织的特殊群体文化,并在高校人才培养和社会主义精神文明建设等方面起着极其重要的作用。但是,令人感到忧虑的是,近年来,高校校园文化建设普遍存在一个不容忽视的问题,即在校园文化建设过程中,往往忽视了校园文化的价值意义,较大程度地从实用主义、功利主义的角度来理解和实施校园文化建设,使高校校园文化在貌似轰轰烈烈的表面下渐渐显露出某种偏离其价值意义的倾向,这就是校园文化建设边缘化的问题。校园文化作为一种自觉、稳定而有组织的特殊群体文化,在培养大学生的素质教育、促进高校精神文明建设等方面起着极其重要的作用。然而目前地方高校校园边缘文化出现了某种忽视校园文化的应然价值,向功利主义的边缘文化倾斜的趋向。应对这种趋向,本文试从高校校园文化建设对学生素质教育的影响和促进角度切入,探讨高校校园文化的边缘化及其对大学生素质教育的影响,揭示校园文化边缘化的原因,提出解决校园文化边缘化的对策。

【Abstract】 Well-known educator, Cai Yuan Pei to have remarked:"For tomorrow’s society, look at today’s campus" as an important carrier of moral education in the campus culture, not only the school an important part of self-construction, but also has a guide and demonstration of advanced social cultural development and direction of development of the social functions and responsibilities.In college and the community’s concern and attention under the general construction of campus culture has made encouraging progress in the new and rapidly developed into a conscious, stable and organized a special group culture, and personnel training in colleges and universities, and the building of socialist spiritual civilization and so plays a very important role.However, it is worried that the prevalence of a college campus culture can not be ignored, namely, the process of building in the campus culture, campus culture is often overlooked the value of significance, a large extent from a pragmatic, utilitarian point of view to understand and implement the construction of campus culture, so that camp us culture in seemingly vigorous surface deviate from its value gradually revealing the true face of meaning, which is the construction of campus culture tends to marginalize the issue has raised concerns of the community.As a special stable and organized group culture, the campus culture plays a very important role in the training ofthe students’comprehensive qualities, bettering the teaching surroundings and the spiritual civilization building of colleges anduniversities. At present local universities have the tendency to neglect the value of campus culture and to move on to the mar-ginalization in the building of campus culture. Respond to this trend, this article seeks to explain the depth and systematic understanding of the status of this problem and its causes, and propose a solution. This paper from the construction of campus culture for students and the promotion of quality education in the perspective of Cut to explore the impact of campus culture and the marginalization of the edge of the campus culture and the impact of quality education of college students, and from the campus culture and the marginalization of the reasons for departure, made address the marginalization of campus culture response.


