

On Status of Human Resources of Primary School Sports in Chang Chun Town

【作者】 郭妲

【导师】 陈钢;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,人力资源作为一切资源里最有创造性的、最鲜活的、最有价值的资源,在各个领域中逐渐被人们重视起来,这一点对学校体育也不例外。目前,关于学校体育人力资源的研究已取得不少成果,但是研究小学体育人力资源却寥寥无几。小学阶段是学生运动态度、运动兴趣、运动习惯养成的重要阶段,是培养终身体育意识的良好时机,而能培养学生运动兴趣、良好运动习惯的就要靠体育教师、家长等人力资源来实施完成。所以小学体育人力资源的开发与利用显得尤为重要和迫切。为此,本文通过问卷调查、文献调研和系统分析等方法,运用人力资源开发与管理等相关理论进行了以下研究:第一方面是对体育教师配置合理性的调查。其中包括对教师的性别、年龄、职称、学历、专兼职情况、所学专业以及数量配置合理性七个方面的调查。针对体育人力资源数量不足、分布不均情况提出了建立校际间的学校体育人力资源定期服务和定期交流轮换制度;第二方面是体育教师工作情况的调查。其中包括对从业动机、工作满意度、工作积极性、工作压力四个方面的调查。针对体育教师从业动机不端正、工作满意度不高等情况,提出培养教师职业自豪感,提高教师工作性积极性对策;第三方面是对体育教师培训情况的调查。其中包括对体育教师培训重视程度、培训目的、培训质量满意度、培训数量满意度、不同级别培训次数、培训经费以及培训存在的问题六个方面的调查,针对培训中所存在的问题提出要树立正确的培训观念,严格规范体育教师培训工作;第四方面是对体育教师利用校内外人力资源的调查,针对校内外人力资源开发不足提出如何充分利用校内外人力资源的对策。

【Abstract】 In recent years, human resources as all resources of the most creative and most of the most valuable resource in all areas of the people attach to this point to the school sports are no exception.At present, about the school sports human resource development and management of research has been considerable, but the school sports human resources are few, and primary school and sport and exercise develop in a manner, exercise habit of important stage of life is to develop sports high time to train students and showed interest in sports, exercise is good practice of sports, parents and teachers on human resources to implement. So the school sports development and utilization of human resources is becoming the important and urgent.Therefore, this article by questionnaire survey, documents research and systematic analysis and other methods of the three aspects:the first to the investigation work carried out investigation. one of the configuration of the sports teacher survey, employed for investigation, job satisfaction survey and investigation work of the initiative, the pressure of work to investigate. The second aspect is the sports teacher training is carried out investigation. one of the sports teacher training importance to the extent of investigations and training purposes investigation, the quality and quantity of the training and training for the research and training problems of the investigation. the third way is the sports teacher of human resources. the investigation which.By the three aspects of the survey aims to know the city schools Chang Chun city sports teacher’s work, the sports teacher training and physical conditions of which the human resources, and so arouse the sports teacher professional pride and sense of vocation, working to improve the sports teacher made the teacher, on its own internal motive for professional training; departments to improve the sports teacher to the configuration of, and for sports teacher training to the sports teacher will find themselves in the training initiative to improve themselves and made full use of human resources. which sports.

  • 【分类号】G807.0;G623.8
  • 【下载频次】168

