

Study on the Selection and Cultivation Techniques of Facility Potted Rose Hybrida

【作者】 汤志敏

【导师】 贾桂霞;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究采取模糊综合评判的方法对20个大花月季品种进行筛选,选择适合作盆栽的大花月季品种,为设施内的盆栽大花月季栽植打下基础。在栽培基质选择上进行了盆栽大花月季无土栽培基质的研究,筛选出适合于做盆栽大花月季的基质,为盆栽大花月季设施生产做准备。在温室大棚条件下促成栽培,由于受到光照和温度限制,盆栽大花月季往往株型过高,会出现倒伏、花枝细长和叶片淡绿等现象,从而影响了其观赏效果。盆栽生产时对大花月季进行适当的矮化处理,将有助于改善其生长状态和增加其观赏价值。本实验探讨了日光温室条件下利用生长延缓剂PP333处理并结合水肥管理进行盆栽月季栽培,为日光温室条件下盆栽大花月季的栽植提供理论和技术依据。1、根据盆栽花卉行业标准和月季的观赏特性,选择株高、株型、成花率、花期长短等8个性状为评价指标,采取模糊综合评判的方法,对所进行盆栽的的20个大花月季品种进行综合评判和评级,按评分结果进行分级,选出适合于盆栽的大花月季品种。在20个品种中,选出了7个最适宜作盆栽的品种,6个较适宜作盆栽的品种,3个品种作盆栽可以考虑和4个不适宜作盆栽的品种。2、本文利用泥炭、珍珠岩、蛭石和河沙等原料按不同比例混合组成新的基质4种,进行盆栽月季的栽培试验,并以园土栽培作为对比,筛选出适合做盆栽大花月季栽培的无土基质。同时分别测定5种配方的理化性质和盆栽月季的生长特性指标,并对观测数据进行方差分析和多重比较。最终确定了最佳的基质配方为:泥炭:蛭石:珍珠岩=1:1:1。3、本文利用生长延缓剂PP333处理盆栽大花月季‘绯扇’,采用叶面喷施与根部浇灌2个处理方式,共设5种不同质量浓度,结果表明:叶面喷施1000mg.L-1多效唑效果最好,延长盆花观赏期,提高了观赏价值。喷施PP333能够增加叶绿素含量,对改善大花月季‘绯扇’鲜花重与花径等品质有重要影响。

【Abstract】 The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of 20 roses hybrida cultivars is adopted in the study. Through the experiment we select suitable for screening potted roses varieties, the facility for planting to lay the foundation. To prepare production potted roses hybrida of facility, in cultivation methods we study on the soilless-media of the potted roses, and select the soilless-media suitable for the potted roses hybrida.The cultivation in the greenhouse restricted by the sunshine and temperature will lead to the too high plant type, lodging, squid slender and light green leaves, so that the viewing is poor. Proper dwarf treatment for the potted production of the roses will help to improve the growth status and ornamental value. This study is discussed under the condition of using the growth retardant PP333 combined with water and fertilizer management in greenhouse of processing potted roses cultivation,and provided theoretical and technical basis of the potted rose cultivation in greenhouse conditions.1、According to industry standards and rose ornamental features,8 traits were chosen as evaluation index such as height, plant type, flowering rate, length of flowering period, etc. To select suitable potted rose hybrida,we have evaluation and rating to the 20 potted rose hybrida varieties by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.In 20 varieties, we selected the seven most suitable varieties for potted plants, six varieties more suitable for potted plants, three varieties of potting can be considered,and four varieties unsuitable for potted plants..2、To select the best soilless culture medium of potted roses, the new soilless medium that made of peat, perlite, vermiculite and sand in different volumetric proportions, which compared with in the orchard soil were tested. The physical and chemical properties and growth indication of potted roses were measured, the variance of different medium with ANOVA and multiple comparisons were analyzed. In the end, the best soilless medium was the first medium that formulated volume proportion of peat, perlite and vermiculite 1:1:1, and plant in the matrix is better than in the orchard soil.3、In this study we use growth retardant PP333 to treat the potted rose’Feishan’ by two methods of spraying leaves and irrigating root, a total of five different concentrations. The result shows that:the concentration of Spraying leaves with PP333 1000mg.L-1 is the best effect, it can extend the flower viewing period and improve the ornamental value. Spraying PP333 1000mg.L-1 can increase the chlorophyll content, improve its flower value such as flower fresh mass and flower diameter, etc and have an important impact on quality.


