

The Myth Ornaments Figure Stone of the Han Dynasty in Huaibei Region

【作者】 王文秀

【导师】 邹锦华;

【作者基本信息】 淮北师范大学 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 摘要:汉画像石作为汉代所特有的墓室建筑基础构件,题材丰富、内容生动,展现了一个“品类群生,杂物奇怪”的艺术天地,代表了汉代装饰艺术的辉煌成就。汉代是个造神的时代,在继承先秦楚韵、齐风的基础上,在汉代厚葬文化的浸润中,在民众通俗文化的渗透下,神话图式以画像石为载体得到衍生和大量涌现,展现着汉代人独特的精神世界和美学特质。淮河流域跨越地域范围广泛,文化层次丰富,文化面貌复杂,艺术也呈现出多元文化并存的包容性、多种地域文化互渗的过渡性、各种文化兼容并蓄的开放性特色。淮河以北地区作为淮河流域的一个典型代表,是汉代之心腹,此地区汇合了以山东齐鲁文化、河南中原文化、江苏吴文化以及湖北楚文化为代表的多种地域文化,此地区出土的汉画像石,在全国范围来看也是极具有代表性的一支,各地方由于地域性差异,使神话图式多姿多彩,多元一体,和中有异,异中求同,体现出艺术上的原生性、源发性的特质,彰显了汉代装饰艺术的魅力。本文立足于地域文化的研究和探讨,以淮北地区出土的汉画像石神话图式为研究对象,先将其从天上仙界、人间世界和地下冥界三个大的系统进行分类,每个时空选取具有典型意义的图饰从其功能性、审美性、象征性上进行解析,阐释神话图式的文化内涵,挖掘汉代人特有的世界观和人生哲学观。之后本文着重从地域文化的角度进行比较分析,先对淮北地区所包含的地域文化影响之下的汉画像石神话图式风格进行比较,研究本地区不同地域文化形态在同一政治气候、同一意识形态下,由于地理因素、地质特点、民风俗物的不同对神话图式的不同表现形式和表现手法,发掘地域文化的丰富性、和多姿性;之后又将本区之外的地域文化熏染下的图饰风格进行比对,从而在更深层次的挖掘汉画像石神话图式的精神内涵和文化底蕴。对不同地域神话图式的文化构成、美学特色作出细微的分析,并将其艺术魅力应用于现代装饰绘画的设计中,将我国深厚的传统艺术文化和现代美学理念融合,以指导自己的创作实践。

【Abstract】 Abstract:The figure stone as the Han Dynasty tomb building foundation structure, rich themes, content and vividly, displaying a strange world of art, and the achievement of Han Dynasty art. Han Dynasty is a god of the times, in succession of Qi Chu culture, based on the Han Dynasty sumptuous funeral, in the affection of the public popular culture, the myth ornaments depend the stone are deriviting. Demonstrating the spiritual world of the Han Dynasty and aesthetic qualities. Huaihe River across broad region and rich of cultural level, complex cultural landscape, so the art shows inclusive and pluralistic culture. The north region of Huai River as a typical representative of the Huaihe River Basin, is heart of the Han Dynasty, this area converge the Shandong Qilu culture,Henan Zhongyuan culture, Jiangsu, Hubei Chu Wu Culture and other regional culture, the area of the Han Dynasty unearthed stone is a very representative of the whole country, the reason of regional difference, the myth figure colorful, diversity and unity. This article based on research and study of regional culture to the Han Dynasty unearthed in Huaibei area decorative stone myth object of study, from the once upon a time to human world and the underground world, with each space-time select typical ornaments from functional, aesthetic to analysis, interpretation of the myth of cultural content, explain the Han Dynasty life philosophy. And then focuses on local culture to comparative, first analyze the decorative style myth ornaments, comparison study of different geographical and cultural patterns in this region in the same political climate, the same ideology. Next, on the myth of the different forms of region, and explore the rich local culture, and seek common ground. Myth of the different regions of the culture of the map decoration, decorative features to fine art analysis, and its artistic charm to draw, used in the design of modern decorative painting, traditional arts of our country strong cultural and aesthetic concepts of modern fusion, to guide their own writing practice.

【关键词】 淮北地区汉画像石神话图式
【Key words】 Huaibei regionMyth figureHan stoneOrnaments

