

Research on Legal Issues of International Environment Transfer

【作者】 吴慧仪

【导师】 祁欢;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 国际法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 跨国污染转移是经济全球化的产物,是通过发达国家与发展中国家之间的贸易和投资活动实现的。发达国家利用发展中国家发展经济的急切心理和在环境成本上的劣势,不断向发展中国家输出危险废物、淘汰落后设备和产品以及高污染、高能耗企业,达到转移污染后果和环境治理责任的目的。跨国污染转移虽使转移方减轻国内环境压力、获取丰厚利润,但却使受让方国内环境遭受破坏、消耗大量自然资源、危害当地人民健康,更将削弱受让方经济发展潜力,对受让方可持续发展产生深远影响。因此,如何防范跨国污染转移已成为众多发展中国家共同关心的问题,也成为我国亟待解决的环境问题。除去前言和结论,本文共分为四章:第一章概述跨国污染转移的概念和基本类型,通过跨国污染转移定义的比较分析,得出了跨国污染转移的四要素。同时,分析了发达国家对我国实施跨国污染转移的三种主要途径以及跨国污染转移对我国国家环境安全的影响。第二章重点分析了跨国污染转移的责任制度,通过分析国家责任与企业社会责任,提出跨国污染转移国家责任的归责原则应当采取严格责任,并指出跨国污染转移国家与企业需承担的责任形式。第三章分析了有关控制跨国污染转移的国际立法、WTO的环保例外权以及美国和欧盟有关控制跨国污染转移的国内法。第四章通过梳理我国相关法律体系,总结出我国现行控制跨国污染转移法律体系的局限性,建议通过完善我国环境保护基本法及相关外资项目管理立法、提高我国环境标准和构建国内环境税制度等途径进一步完善我国控制跨国污染转移的法律体系。

【Abstract】 Trade and investment activities between developing countries and developed countries are the direct causes of international pollution transfer, which is the Product of economic globalization. Developing countries are eager to improve economic level and their environmental costs is lower than developed countries, so developed countries are continuing to export hazardous wastes, pollution equipments and products, high-density polluting enterprises. By mitigating their environmental pollution to developing countries, developed countries are transferring the responsibility and pollution consequences to developing countries, which originally should be taken by developed countries themselves. China is one of the developing countries, and because of its poor economic conditions and imperfect legal system, China has become the goal of pollution transfer of the developed countries. We must do a great many researches immediately and take measures to protect our natural resources and people’s environmental rights. By using the methods of comparison and analysis, this article will introduce the legal meaning and the main types of international pollution transfer to reveal its reasons and nature. With the hope of providing beneficial references for legislation and adjudicative practices of our country, I will provide some feasible measures to against the international pollution transfer.There are four Chapters except the preface and the conclusion:Chapter 1 , firstly analyzes the concept and basic types of international pollution transfer. By the comparison of different concepts of trans-boundary pollution transfer, we indicate its indispensable five elements. There’re three types of pollution transfer: exporting wastes directly, polluting products and equipments international transfer, exporting high- density polluting enterprises.Chapter 2, introduces the important reasons and nature of in international pollution transfer by angel of view of ecology, economics and law. The pressure of improving economic level is the direct reason and the huge gap of economy, science, and technology between developed countries and developing countries makes the transfer behavior exist in a very long time. By analyzing the reasons and nature of transfer behavior, I declare that violates the other ones’environmental rights and demonstrating the injustice of international pollution transfer and the justice of transfer behavior control.Chapter 3 ,analyzes the urgent and serious conditions on trans-boundary pollution transfer in China. As one of the developing countries, the legislation of nvironmental law is issued later than developed countries, So China becomes the most convenient place and safe harbor of pollution transfer.Chapter 4 puts forward several suggestions to perfect the remedial measures in our country. By concerning on current law against trans-boundary pollution transfer, this chapter discusses the defects of the recent regulations. We should perfect our legislation environmental standards system and at the same time, by using exception right to environmental protection, we will build a Green Trade Barrier or other proposal to avoid Pollution wastes being transferred into our country. Especially under the pressure of international pollution transfer and the Green Trade Barrier, setting up green barrier us a great activity and it is significant.

  • 【分类号】D996.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】199

