

The Research on the Parody Fair Use of Copyright

【作者】 熊异

【导师】 陈健;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 剪切技术、网络传播技术的发展推动了滑稽模仿的盛行,由于滑稽模仿的对象、表现形态的多样化,使得滑稽模仿业已成为一种新的流行文化。与此同时,也暴露出了一些问题:部分滑稽模仿的对象是享有著作权保护的作品,当滑稽模仿者在原作品的基础上进行讽刺性、幽默性模仿时就涉及到是否侵害被模仿者著作权的问题。这就提出了如何平衡滑稽模仿者、被模范作品著作权人、社会公众间利益的平衡,也涉及到权利保护与公民表达自由间的矛盾关系。由于著作权的合理使用制度能够有效的平衡不同利益主体间的关系,在滑稽模仿盛行之际,允许滑稽模仿适用合理使用制度就具有积极意义。文章通过以滑稽模仿作品的一般定义和特征以及合理使用的一般概念为切入点,对国外关于滑稽模仿适用合理使用制度的法律实践进行了梳理,并依据我国著作权法关于合理使用制度的规定,分析了合理使用适用滑稽模仿的主要困境,并从法律价值视角分析了滑稽模仿适用合理使用制度必要性,最终提出应确立规则主义与因素主义相结合的合理使用立法模式,并通过完善著作权法明确滑稽模仿的法律属性和滑稽模仿适用合理使用制度判断的具体标准。具体而言,文章主要包括五部分内容:第一章为绪论,此部分重点介绍选题的背景、问题的提出、论文选题的目的、意义以及采取的研究方法。同时也总结出研究的主要内容框架和研究中的难点问题。第二章是关于滑稽模仿作品与合理使用的基本理论概要,包括滑稽模仿作品的概念、特点、与一些类似作品类型的比较;以及合理使用的概念和适用条件。第三章主要是对国外关于滑稽模仿适用合理使用的法律实践的梳理。本部分主要介绍了法国、德国、加拿大、美国等国家关于滑稽模仿适用合理使用的法律规定和一些司法实践,通过梳理发现国外多数国家无论在立法上还是司法实践中都已经注意到了滑稽模仿适用合理使用问题,并通过成文法形式或者判例法的形式规定了滑稽模仿适用合理使用的具体条件。第四章主要是对我国合理使用制度现状介绍,并分析在我国合理使用制度适用滑稽模仿面临的法理困惑,以此从法经济学价值视角分析了滑稽模仿适用合理使用制度确立的必要性,并以此提出了合理使用制度的确立。第五章提出了完善我国合理使用制度的具体立法和司法建议,明确基于滑稽模仿的不同情形确定合理使用的前提。

【Abstract】 With the cutting technology, network communication technology promoting, the parody becomes popular. The object and patterns of the parody diversified, now the parody has become a new popular culture. When part of the parody copied the copyright works on the basis of irony and humor, it relates to whether the parody infringes the imitated works. This showed the problem of how to balance the interests among the imitator of the parody, the owner of the copyright imitated and the public, and also involves contradictory relationship between the protection of rights and civil expression freedom rights. The fair use doctrine of copyright law can effectively balance the relationship between different stakeholders in the occasion of popular parody, so application of fair use for parody is positive. The paper introduces the general definition and characteristics of parody works and fair use doctrine as a starting point, then briefly summarizes law jurisdictions of parody fair use in key countries, and according to our system of copyright law on fair use, explored the main difficulties for application of parody fair use. After that, from a legal value perspective, the paper explored the value significance and necessity of fair use doctrine for parody .Finally, the paper proposed should amend the copyright law to establish the fair use provisions for parody including specific criteria for fair use. Specifically, the article includes five parts:The first chapter is the introduction,which introduced the background of the problem and significance and purpose of the topics and the approach adopted , Also summarized the main research framework and research difficult problems.The second chapter is the basic theory of parody and fair use, including the concept, characteristics and forms of the parody, then introduced the content and conditions of f the fair use.The third chapter is the carding of the overseas legislation and the practice of the fair use of parody, which introduced the legal provisions and judicial practice of fair use application of parody from France, Germany, Canada, the United States and other countries on t parody and the enlightenment for China.The chapter four explored the status of the fair use in China and the legal dilemma of fair use of the parody. Then, the necessary for the establishment of fair use was analyzed by the perspective of law and economics.The chapter five provided some specific legislative and judicial recommendations about the application of the fair use of the parody in China.

【关键词】 滑稽模仿合理使用判断标准
【Key words】 ParodyFair UseCriterion
  • 【分类号】D923.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】636

