

The Study on the Measures of Blow Illegal Immigrations in China

【作者】 梁其天

【导师】 陈建新;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自从20世纪80年代开始,随着全球化进程的不断加快,世界经济社会一体化迅猛发展。与此同时,一些人口压力大的国家,如印度、中国、巴基斯坦等国产生移民的可能性相对来说更大些。而产生移民的原因,既有战乱、灾害、宗教迫害等原因,也有为摆脱贫困、追求美好生活的原因。随着国家主权的加强,各国家民族意识的强化,各国的出入境管理机制日趋严密,非法移民问题越来越成为问题。放眼当今世界,国际移民数量呈直线型增加。世界范围内的两极分化现象日趋严重,现存国际经济秩序加大了发展中国家与发达国家的差距,国际反恐斗争的热烈进行更使得紧缩移民政策的一步步推进。这一系列的原因推动着非法移民的增加趋势,这也对国家安全和国际关系等的长远发展产生了不可忽视的影响。如今,非法移民已成为非传统安全中的重要因素,国家国际诸多研究者都纷纷将目光集中于此。有鉴于此,本文认为,以当代非法移民活动为案例,对当代中国非法移民问题及我国政府对非法移民问题的立场、态度、采取的措施进行有针对性的研究,是一项十分必要而且也是十分迫切的工作。本文在以往学者研究的基础上,首先分析了非法移民的概念,继而对国际社会打击非法移民的现状进行了概括和描述,然后依托于相关资料和数据,对我国非法移民的状况进行针对性研究。本文主要将精力集中于对我国非法移民的特征、成因以及造成的危害和打击非法移民活动的难度进行了详细研究,试图在此基础上寻求应对打击非法移民活动的措施。本文分析了我国防治非法移民活动存在的问题,且提出了几点建议,即从完善改进出入境的法制建设、建立建设出入境信息的管理机制、动员社会力量、加强综合治理和打击力度、加强国际合作和经济建设等方面入手打击非法移民活动

【Abstract】 Since 1980s, globalization is speeding up, a large number of developing countries to open international market, greatly promote the worldwide economic and social integration. Along with the national sovereignty and national consciousness constantly strengthened, appeared more and strict immigration management mechanism, illegal immigration and unity as opposing appears. With the process of international migration began to increase. Because of the existing international economic order, increasing the developing countries and developed countries, worldwide polarization becomes more and more serious, the international terrorism political needs to further tightening in developed countries, a series of reasons for immigration policy current world illegal immigrants, increasing trend of national security and social stability in the long-term development of international relations have a direct or indirect impact. Illegal immigrants has become an internationally recognized non-traditional security is an important factor in many countries and regions, the focus. In view of this, the author thinks that, in the contemporary illegal immigration, for example of contemporary Chinese illegal immigration and the Chinese government’s position of illegal immigrants, attitude and take measures to targeted, is a very necessary but also very urgent work.In this paper based on the study of past scholars, from the concept of illegal immigrants, for the international community to crack down on illegal immigration status is described, with the relevant information and data of China’s current status of illegal immigrants, focus on research in specific characteristics of illegal immigrants, causes the damage and in China and to combat illegal immigration in difficulty in detail, on the basis of seeking to crack down on illegal immigration activity for China.Based on the prevention and control of illegal immigrants activities in China and puts forward some Suggestions from the perfect legal system construction, establish the entry-exit entry information management mechanism, and mobilize social forces, strengthen comprehensive governance and blow, strengthen international cooperation and economic construction in such aspects as to combat illegal immigration

【关键词】 移民非法移民打击对策
【Key words】 ImmigrationIllegal immigrantsBlowMeasures
  • 【分类号】D631.46
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】539

