

Study on Planning and Implementation of the "San-jiu" Reconstruction in Zengcheng

【作者】 刘慷

【导师】 张原; 蒋万芳;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济高速发展,土地资源消耗日益严重,传统粗放型土地利用方式难以为继,日益紧张的土地资源制约着经济的可持续发展。为了破解发展难题,先行先试,汪洋书记在总结佛山市、东莞市等“三旧”改造试点城市先行经验后,向国土资源部积极争取,获得了在我省开展为期三年(2010年-2012年)的三旧改造先行先试的政策许可机会,这在全国其他省份是没有的。2009年9月,广东省政府下发了《关于推进三旧改造促进节约集约用地的若干意见》(粤府[2009]78号),在全省范围启动了“三旧”改造行动。通过三旧改造,促进产业结构调整升级,优化用地布局,提高土地利用效率。因此,“三旧”改造是转变经济发展方式、加快城镇化进程的一项重要举措,也是部省合作在科学发展观指导下推动土地管理制度改革创新的一次大胆实践。本文首先介绍了三旧改造政策的背景,并对其进行了分析,综述了当前国内外有关三旧改造的研究内容。其次,对三旧改造政策进行了详细的解读,对三旧改造相关概念进行了界定,并阐述其动力机制。同时,对三旧改造中存在的的规划引导不足、资金瓶颈、实施主体利益的平衡、拆迁安置等主要问题进行了分析,提出了解决策略。本研究以我省较为成功的佛山模式中的祖庙东华里片区改造工程案例,对该工程的规划、实施过程中值得借鉴的经验进行了分析归纳。在此基础上,结合增城市实际,在土地利用现状、地块周边土地利用情况以及城乡规划情况等基础资料调研的基础上,依据增城市战略规划、各镇街总体规划及控制性详细规划,编制了《增城市“三旧”改造实施规划》及实施策略,从规划技术要求上提出“三旧”改造土地整合规划指引,确定各地块的总用地面积、规划用地面积、容积率和计容建筑面积等开发强度经济技术指标,供市政府作为决策参考,同时给各镇街和相关部门在“三旧”改造实施工作中作为技术参考。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic development, the growing consumption of land resources, traditional extensive land use difficult to sustain the growing tension in the land resource constraints of economic sustainable development. In order to solve development problems, Wang Yang, Secretary of Guangdong provincial Party committee.In the summary of Foshan, Dongguan City, such as "san-jiu" reconstruction pilot project to transform the experience of the city Above, to the Ministry of Land and enthusiasm, carried out in the province received a three-years (2010-2012) transformation of the three-years pilot the old policy of licensing opportunities, which other provinces does not exist. September 2009, the Guangdong provincial government issued "on promoting the“san-jiu”reconsreuction to promote conservation and intensive land use transformation of the old number of opinions" (Yuefu [2009] 78), in the province launched the“san-jiu”reconstructionreform action. By“san-jiu”reconstruction, promote industrial restructuring and upgrading, optimizing land use layout, improve land use efficiency. Therefore, the“san-jiu”reconstruction is the transformation of economic development and speed up the process of urbanization is an important measure, but also cooperation ministries and provinces under the guidance of scientific concept of development in the land management system reform and innovation to promote a bold practice.This paper introduces the background of the“san-jiu”reconstruction policy of reforming the old, and its analysis, review of the current transformation of domestic and international research on the content of the“san-jiu”reconstruction. Secondly, transformation of the“san-jiu”reconstruction carried out a detailed interpretation of policies, reform of the“san-jiu”reconstruction concepts were defined and described its power mechanism. Meanwhile,“san-jiu”reconstruction retrofitting lack of planning guidance, financial bottlenecks, the implementation of the principal balance of interests, resettlement and other major issues of analysis, the solution strategy. In this study, the province of the more successful model in the Temple of Foshan Donghuali renovation project case, the project planning, implementation, should learn from the experience of the process were analyzed and summarized. On this basis, combined with increased urban reality, land use, land use and land surrounding urban and rural planning and other basic information on the situation on the basis of research, based on strategic planning by cities, towns master plan and detailed plan, preparation of Zengfcheng by the "san-jiu”reconstruction "reform implementation plan" and the implementation strategy, technical requirements from the planning put forward the“san-jiu”reconstruction of the land consolidation planning guidelines, to determine the total land area around the block planned land area, floor area ratio and total volume construction area of economic and technical indicators such as intensity of development for the government as the decision making. at the same time to the relevant departments in the The town government and the“san-jiu”reconstruction implementation as a technical reference.

【关键词】 城市化三旧改造规划实施
【Key words】 Urbanizationsan-jiu reconstructionplanningimplementation
  • 【分类号】TU984.114
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】854

