

【作者】 陈炜

【导师】 林榆;

【作者基本信息】 江西理工大学 , 机械工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现代化的棒材生产中,精整是生产的最后阶段,而棒材矫直是精整最重要的工序,它直接决定了产品的质量,经过矫直的椭圆度和直线度高的棒材才具有高的附加值。矫直机作为棒材矫直的最重要设备,决定着圆钢的最终质量。GBJ180七辊棒材矫直机在充分总结近年来所设计制造具有国内领先水平的多台大规格棒材矫直机基础上,结合杭钢中轧厂GBJ100七辊棒材矫直机的多年使用经验,针对杭钢中轧厂生产要求而于2006年设计,主要应用于热扎圆钢的成品矫直。该机为六立柱七辊棒材斜辊矫直机,采用了预应力机架及可靠的液压工作原理,使辊缝值具有较高精度,对棒材在生产过程中所产生的弯曲和椭圆度具有明显的矫直效果。同时该机设计时针对棒材规格加大相应进行了改进,保证了矫直机整体强度及矫直速度,很好的适应了杭钢中轧厂的生产需要。本文主要介绍矫直技术的基本方法和原理,以及矫直变形理论的研究及发展,介绍棒材生产工艺以及矫直机的用途、类型,结合多年使用经验,在GBJ100七辊棒材矫直机基础上对GBJ180七辊棒材矫直机进行设计研究,阐述七辊棒材矫直机的结构及其工作原理,有针对性的讲述各部件的原理、特点和性能,提出了一些建设性的改进意见。

【Abstract】 In the process of modern steel bar production, the rigor disposal of steel bar is the last phase, in which the bar straightening machine takes up the important position. The quality of straightening is the decisive factor of steel bar. The straightened steel bar have appended values for its good roundness and straightness and the straightener is one of the most important device which decide the steel bar’s quality competitively.According user’s demand , and on the basis of my experience from many projects, GBJ180 Seven-Roll bar material Straighter , designed for straightening steel bar in 2005. It is designed with six poles and has a plumb structure. The equipment has an advanced and reliable hydraulic-protection. since adopting the advanced hydraulic theory,the straighter can adjust the gap of working roller by an accurate and reliable outmode. The equipment has a good straightening precision in the process of rolling the roller,it has a evident straightening effect to bring the steel bar to camber and ellipse. In the meantime,the straighter is promoted for the advanced standard and adapted to the need of the medium-size steel factory of HANGZHOU.This paper mainly introduces the basic principle and methods of straightening technology and the research and development of straightening deformation theory. Introduces the production process of steel bar,the type and the use of bar straightening machine. The paper also did the study work of the GBJ180 seven roller bar straightening machine based on many years experience in GBJ100 seven roller bar straightening machine,introduces the structure and work principle of bar straightening machine, introduces principle characteristics and performance of bar straightening machine, and also puts forward some constructive suggestions.

【关键词】 棒材矫直机矫直设计改进
【Key words】 bar straightening machinestraightendesignimprovement
  • 【分类号】TG333.23
  • 【下载频次】281

