

The Application Research of Lean Logistics in York Company

【作者】 聂文斌

【导师】 杨建辉;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自从20世纪90年代“精益生产”的思想和理论提出以来,在十多年时间里,精益生产在全球制造企业得到了广泛的重视和应用。精益的思想在制造企业深入人心。随着顾客需求的多样化、企业竞争的激烈、全球制造概念的发展,物流在整个制造过程中发挥的作用日益显现。传统的物流运作与精益的思想结合,衍生出了精益物流的理论。而在实际的运作过程中,制造企业也越来越深刻的认识到,精益生产的核心其实是精益物流。本文通过文献查询、比较研究,并结合自己的工作实践,对精益物流内涵,精益物流的目标,以及推进精益物流的方法,提出自己的认识和见解。并通过对约克公司在物流运作中遇到的困难进行研究分析,阐述了精益物流在约克公司应用的成功经验,指出了物料的分类管理、目视化、信息化、物流工装标准化、以及循环取货等运作方式对推进精益物流有很好的促进作用。论文也谈到了约克公司在推进精益物流过程中遇到的阻力和困难,并结合中国的实际国情,进一步阐述了在中国制造企业内推行精益物流应该注意的问题。

【Abstract】 As the Lean Production theories were born in 1990s, at the past more than ten years, Lean Production was used in most of the manufacture enterprise all over the world. Lean theories have been recognized in the manufacture enterprise.With the diversification of customer needs, business competition intensity, and the development of the concept of global manufacturing. The emerging role of logistics in manufacturing process has attracted the attention of global manufacturing. Manufacturing enterprises are more and more profound understanding that the core of lean production is lean logistics.In this paper, the author via literature query, compare research , and combined with his own practice. Give out his view on the content of lean logistics, objectives of lean logistics, and how to promote lean logistics. And research the logistics problems in YORK company, introduce the successful experience of YORK company promote the Lean Logistics. Point out that materials management base on classification, visual able management, information technology, logistics container standardization, and milk run transportation have positive effect on promote lean logistics. This thesis also consider with China’s actual conditions, point out the issues company should pay attention to when promote lean logistics.

  • 【分类号】F259.2
  • 【下载频次】345

