

Harmonic Analysis and Control of Service Power System in Guangzhou Heng Yun Thermal Energy Company

【作者】 陈伟淳

【导师】 丘东元; 郭斌;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 电气工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电力电子技术在各种电气设备中的应用,谐波问题在电力系统中已日趋严重,对电网造成了严重的谐波污染。谐波污染影响了电网的安全运行和工业生产的正常用电,因而,对谐波的研究与治理是非常必要的。谐波治理的基本原则是:限制注入电网的谐波电流,把电力系统中的谐波电压含量控制在允许的范围内,保证电网供给合格的电能,使接入电网的各种用电设备免受谐波干扰以保证正常工作。本文针对广州恒运热力公司厂用供电系统的现状,对厂用电谐波进行了检测,并提出了综合治理的方案。论文介绍了谐波的基本概念、谐波产生的原因及谐波的危害,谐波治理的必要性和谐波治理的基本方法;介绍了有源滤波器、无源滤波器的工作原理,并对两种滤波器的优缺点进行了比较。本文具体分析了恒运热力公司厂用配电网的接线特点和负载特点,对厂用配电网的谐波情况进行了定量检测并分析了检测结果;针对检测结果和厂用配电网的特点并提出了几种治理的模式和方案,对不同的治理模式和方案进行分析比较,最终确定综合治理方案,并对谐波治理方案的实施效果进行分析和总结;最后对全文进行了总结。

【Abstract】 With the far-ranging application of power electeronics technology in all kinds of electric equipments, the problem of harmonics becomes more and more serious. The harmonics contaminations affects the safe operation of power system and the normal supply of power in the industry. As a resu lt, to analysis and control the harmonic is very necessary. The fundamental rule of control the harmonic is:To limit harmonic current infuse into power network,to control the harmonic voltage of power system within the scope of allowed, to guarantee the qualified electric power supply to power network.According to the real status of the service power supply system in Guang Zhou Heng Yun Thermal Energy Company,the paper produces the synthetical control project based on the detection of the service power harmonic in the company. The paper introduces the fundamental concepts of the harmonics, the generation and harmful effects of the harmonics, the necessary and the fundamental methods of the harmonic manage; The paper also introduces the operational principles of active filter and passive filter, and then compared the advantages and disadvantages of active filter with that of passive filter. The paper make a concrete analysis of the load characteristics and the wiring characteristics of the service power supply system in Guang Zhou Heng Yun Thermal Energy Company, carries on the mensurable detection and analysises to the service power harmonic. According to the testing results and the real status of the service power system, the paper puts forward several harmonic control projects and compared the advantages and disadvantages of the projects, and determines the finally harmonic control project, and then analysises the practical results. Finally, the paper carries on the summary to the full text.

  • 【分类号】TM711
  • 【下载频次】81

