

Distribution System Detailed Planning for Centre Area of the Dongguan Southern District

【作者】 钱强

【导师】 管霖; 陈乃昊;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 地级以上城市的城区配电网规划一直从属于城市的主网规划之下,依附于城市的主网规划之中,不同于县域有相对独立的电网规划。近年来而随着经济的高速发展,城市扩展和道路建设也随着加快,政府对城市总体规划的重视,要求城市有长远的规划,对基础建设要有预见性,避免重复投资和建设。然而由于线路走廊资源有限,因此如何合理规划配电网的建设,确保线路走廊资源的最优化利用,在确保经济发展和城市居民安全可靠供电的同时,兼顾环境美观和城市长远发展规划,选择合适的工艺和技术,努力做到建设资金经济效益的最大化,是城区配电网规划的一个重要课题。论文是本人在参与东莞南城中心区配电网规划项目后完成的。东莞南城区是一座人口近百万的新兴现代城区,集多种产业发展于一体的东莞政治文化中心。论文从电网规划的现状分析开始,通过多种方法对南城中心区功能小区未来几年的负荷发展情况进行预测,得出新的网架规划方案和投资估算,叙述了整个规划的思想和过程。论文首先叙述了进行电网规划的必要性以及必要的规划原则,并对南城中心区电网现状进行了详细的分析;接着分析了负荷预测的意义及必要性,叙述了进行负荷预测的理论依据,分别总结了几种传统负荷预测方法的原理。论文在负荷预测的基础上,给出了网架规划方案。首先是给出了在选择网架方案时的原则,并采用南城中心区电网的实例分析说明了此问题。最后的网架方案除了能够解决南城中心区电网的现实问题外,还要能够满足未来负荷发展的需要,并且能够满足投资最经济的原则。进行了网架规划之后,论文对南城中心区电网的网架进行了投资估算和效益评估,分析了进行南城中心区电网规划带来的社会效益和经济效益,体现了进行电网规划的重要性和必要性。

【Abstract】 Other than the relatively self-govemed country power network planning,the district power distributing network planning of a medium-sized city has been subject to the main power network planning of the city,as well as attached to it.In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy, the expansion of the city and the construction of the roads, the government attaches more importance to the overall city planning, and in order to avoid the overlapped investlnent and construction, the far-sighted city planning and the foresight of the foundational construction are demanded. But resource of feeder passages is limited, thus it is becoming a key subject on how to plan the construction of distributing network in a reasonable way, so as to ensure the optimal utilization of the resource. While consideration is to be given to the economy development and the safe power supply for the citizens, the environmental beautification and the long-tern city plauning as well, appropriate technics and technologies must be chosen to maximize the economic benefit ofthe construction funds.The paper is based on the course of distribution system detailed planning of Centre Area of the Dongguan Southern District that I ever took part in.Basing on the planning of Centre Area of the Dongguan Southern District distributing network and also taking the integrality of the structure of this paper into thought, it specifies the whole planning idea form the first step, and analysis of current status, to drawing out the new scheme of network planning and carrying through investment evaluation.The Paper begins with the necessary and required principle of network planning according to Centre Area of the Dongguan Southern District distributing network.Then after the significance and necessary of load forest are analyzed, the theorial proof is described and the principle of several traditional load forest methods is concluded, and it seperately forests the energy cost of total region and various vocations.Papet analyzes the actuality of Centre Area of the Dongguan Southern District distributing network, in which the princlple for selecting network project is figured out, then the distributing network over Centre Area of the Dongguan Southern District is taken as an example to explain the problem. The final distributing network scherne must satisfy the load in the future and the principle of the most economic investmen, besides getting rid of the problem exists in the current distribution over Centre Area of the Dongguan Southern District. After the network planning, the paper gives out the evaluation of invest and economic benefit and points out that network planning has brought out the soclal and economic benefit, which donates the importance and necessity of network planning.

【关键词】 配电网详细规划负荷预测
【Key words】 Distribution SystemDetailed planningLoad forecast

