

Research on the Improvement of the Legal Risk Management System of Guangdong Telecom

【作者】 刘健能

【导师】 周霞;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 高级管理人员工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国电信行业迅速发展,电信企业所处的国内外监管环境亦不断变化,市场竞争日益加剧,用户维权意识明显增强。电信企业如何在更为严峻的商业和法律环境中防范与化解法律风险,已成为电信运营商日常管理的迫切需求与“软肋”。国内电信企业(特别是国有电信企业)建立健全法律风险管理体系仍处于起步阶段,法律风险管控工作仍存在体系不清、机制不活的情况,普遍注重于事后救济,而轻事前防范与事中控制,法务机构与法务人员充当“灭火队”的角色,疲于应付各类投诉、争议、纠纷与诉讼,因而疏于对法律风险事件进行全面梳理与分析,无法提出整体性的风险防范与化解方案,尚无法形成较全面的法律风险管理体系。广东电信公司作为中国电信的子公司之一,通过在海外整体成功上市,已逐渐汇入了经济全球化的洪流,广东电信公司可以在更大的范围和更广的领域合理配置资源,但同时也受到了海内外更为成熟的法律体系的管制。如何在更为严峻的商业和法律环境中防范与化解法律风险,已成为广东电信公司日常管理的迫切需求,在一定程度上也制约了企业全面、健康的发展,也引发了企业法务人员对健全广东电信公司法律风险管理体系的研究与思考。本文以梳理、研究广东电信公司运营过程中涉及的法律风险为切入点,对广东电信公司法律风险管理现状进行分析、诊断,提出了优化广东电信公司法律风险管理体系的构建思路与具体措施,以期促进企业完善风险管控机制,有效管控法律风险,规范企业行为,减少损失,提升公司运营质量。

【Abstract】 With the development of the telecommunications industry of China, telecoms,whose clients with awakened rights consciousness, have been facing a market with bitter competition and in the legal environment that have been changed a lot both at home and abroad. Under such circumstances, preventing and resolving legal risks properly have become the top priority of the telecoms, but also the weak point of them.The legal risk management systems of the telecoms—especially those state-owned in our country, are still at an initial stage, which pay great attention to the after relief, while ignore advance prevention and process control. Thus, the legal departments and internal legal consultants in these companies have been busy dealing with the endless claims, arguments and suits, without any chance to do some in-depth analysis of the rick events, or workout the legal risk preventing solution, or build up a consummate legal risk management system.Guangdong Telecom, one of the subsidiaries of China Telecom, has been listed overseas to benefit from the trend of economic globalization, while put itself into a more mature regulatory system. So how to prevent and solve legal risks properly has been quite an important issue to this company, and the internal legal consultants in it have mind on the research and construction of the legal risk management system.This thesis analyzed the legal risk management mode of Guangdong Telecom through researching on the legal risks within the company operation, and proposed some suggestions and strategies about the construction of the legal risk management system, which would help to control legal ricks, behave the company, reduce loss and upgrade the operational quality of the company.

【关键词】 风险管控法律风险广东电信公司
【Key words】 Risk managementLegal riskGuangdong Telecom
  • 【分类号】D922.296;F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】282

