

The Research of Distribution Power Network and Automation Planning in the New Center of City

【作者】 杜润均

【导师】 王健; 钟声;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 新城市中心区位于东莞城市新区北片区内,东临东莞大道新世纪豪苑地块,西以胜和路、元美路为界,南至四环路,北至体育路、旗峰路。该区域主要包括行政、文化、金融、会展、办公、商业等功能,是东莞市新城区的核心构架区。新城市中心区内的行政文化中心区作为东莞行政文化中心,带动周围商业和房地产业快速发展,配套设施日益完善。目前新城市中心区进入快速发展阶段,区域发展逐步成熟,作为东莞市城区最核心的中心区,对供电可靠性要求高,要求规划的定位高。为适应该区域的发展,为用户提供安全、可靠、高质量的供电服务,就必须要对新城市中心区的配电网进行更深层次的详细规划。论文是本人在参与新城市中心区的配网详细规划项目后完成的。主要通过对现状配网状况分析、调查中心区内10kV配网用户的用电情况,预测各用户的未来用电负荷,在此基础上对整个新城市中心区的10kV配电网络进行详细规划,分析、规划未来的线路供电分区、网架结线方式、线路走向等;并在网架规划的基础上进行了配电自动化建设规划,包括了自动化建设目标,一次设备改造方案,自动化终端配置方案,通信网建设等内容。以上二部分规划为新城市中心区近期及中远期的配电网建设改造提供切实可行的指导。本论文充分调查分析了国内配电网的结构特点,结合新城市中心区的实际状况,通过科学理论计算与分析进行规划,最终规划方案经过校内外导师指导以及许多配电网规划专家和经验丰富的运行技术人员进行反复讨论修正后得出,实现了运用一流技术规划一流电网的目标,充分体现了规划的高度科学性和前瞻性。

【Abstract】 New City Center is located in the north of the new district in Dongguan, bounded on the east by New Century Villas, on the west by Shenghe Road and Yuanmei Road, on the south by Sihuan Road and on the north by Tiyu Road and Qifeng Road.with New Century Villas in east, Shenghe Road and Yuanmei Road in west, Sihuan Road in south, and Tiyu Road and Qifeng Road in north. The center, which is the core of the new district, mainly covers administration, culture, finance, exhibition, business, commerce and other functions. The administrative and cultural area of New City Center, as the administrative and cultural area of Dongguan, promotes the development of business, real estate and commercial facilities around. As the core of urban area of Dongguan, As the city center in Dongguan, New City Center develops rapidly and maturely, In this case, its demand of power supply reliability and planning orientation becomes more and more district. In order to adapt to the regional development and provide customers with safe, reliable and high quality power supply service, it is important to make a further planning with more details for distribution network of New City Center.This paper mainly analyses the situation of the distribution network,investigates electricity conditions of the 10kv network users in the new city center and forecasts the users’electricity conditions in the future.Base on these status,the paper gives a detail planning for the 10kv distribution network in the new center,which analyses the eldcetrical wirting sectors,the method of network jointing and route direction etc.Besides,the paper marks out distribution automation constructions,including the goal of the constructions,the alteration project of the first device, the automation project of terminal configuration,the constructions of communications network etc.The plannings provide practical recommendations and solutions for the distribution network construction of the new city center in the recent period and medium and long term.This paper investigates and analyses the structure characteristics of domestic distribution network,combed with the actual condition of the new city center,planed by scientific theoretical tutors in and analysis.Finally,the final planning scheme proposed with the guide of my tutors in and around school,also thanks many distribution network planning experts and Operation technical personnel’s discuss and correction.The plan realizes the target of planning first-class grid with first-class technology.


