

Policies for Technological Innovation in the United States and Japan and Europe Unites as Well as to Suggestion to Be Drawn by China

【作者】 何英

【导师】 伍玉林;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,人类社会进入了一个技术创新不断涌现的重要时期。任何一个国家要想在这样一个非常激励的竞争中取得优势地位,最终要取决于其创新能力的高低。因此积极运用各种政策手段推动本国的技术创新成为各国政府普遍采取的做法。在实践中,我国对技术创新政策的研究表现出许多的不足和缺陷。为了激励技术创新,国外发达国家和新兴工业化国家都制定了比较完善的技术创新政策,这些政策措施对我国具有积极的借鉴意义。文章介绍了本课题的研究背景和目的、研究意义、国内外技术创新政策研究现状;阐述了技术创新政策的内涵、分类、目标、原则和技术创新政策的基本理论、技术创新政策工具;从技术创新政策工具开始,对美日欧技术创新政策进行分析;通过对美日欧技术创新政策的分析以及对我国技术创新政策本身的分析,发现我国技术创新政策存在的问题,并究其产生问题的原因;基于国外经验对发展中的我国技术创新政策提出建议,主要包括:完善风险投资体系、加强立法支持力度、创建宽的融资渠道等方面。

【Abstract】 Modern world,human being society gets into a important period which technological innovation emerge in a large number .Any countries who want to get a good position in such a drastic competition due to the Capability of technological innovation . So the governments of most countries have adopted multifarious policy tools at promoting innovation actively.Technical innovation policy shows much defect in practice. In developed and newly industrialized countries, more advanced technical innovation policy has been made to stimulate technological innovation, whose experiences we can use for positive reference.This article introduces the research background of the thesis and purpose of the research、the meaning of the research、the current situation made in home and abroad ;explains the common theory of technological innovation, including the concept、the classification、the aim and principle of the technological innovation as well as tools of the technological innovation;analyses the policies for technological innovation in the United States and Japan and Europe Unites from political tools of the their technological innovation; Through the analyses of the policies for technological innovation in the United States and Japan and Europe Unites, the study finds some problems in our country’s technological innovation policy and finds the reasons of those problems;makes recommens for our country’s technological innovation policy based on the foreign experience, such as establishing wider risk investing channel、reinforcing legal support and so on.


