

Study on the Key Techniques for Stabilizing Ancient Landslides of Expressway

【作者】 张亮

【导师】 廖小平;

【作者基本信息】 中国铁道科学研究院 , 岩土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高速公路古老滑坡病害是近年来公路工程建设逐渐向山区扩展,人类活动范围不断扩大中不可避免的工程问题,古老滑坡病害往往体现其复活后规模较大、危害严重、治理工期长、成本高和难以在短时间内认清其本质的特点,这就需要工程技术人员及科研人员在公路选线期间贯穿地质选线的原则,对于在前期阶段可以判断的古老滑坡病害体采取尽量避让的策略,对于那些无法避让或者一时难以判断其性质的在工程建设中复活的古老滑坡,则需要我们采取积极有效的工程措施,通过有效可靠的勘察手段,根据其变形特征和破坏机理,有针对性地对其进行整治,达到一次根治,不留后患的效果。本学位论文依托福建山区大量的高速公路古老滑坡病害体的整治工程实践,在总结了福建山区高速公路古老滑坡病害的特征和类型的基础上,对每一类型的古老滑坡病害分别提出整治工程对策,同时根据高速公路各个建设阶段提出了相应的勘察内容及技术要点,并且对于古老滑坡病害整治工程中常用的抗滑桩工程研究其工后效果评估方法,提出一些初步认识和见解。论文的主要研究内容如下:1.基本上厘清了目前福建山区高速公路古老滑坡病害的变形破坏特征及其机理,对其进行了系统的归纳分类,同时从定性的角度有针对性地提出了相应的整治工程对策。2.重点讨论了高速公路建设中引起古老滑坡复活的主要因素之一的边坡开挖卸荷对古老滑坡的作用与影响,讨论了边坡开挖卸荷的力学机制和效应,并提出线路穿越坡体的位置不同,引起的老坡体病害的复活性质和规模亦不同。3.比较全面地总结了高速公路古老滑坡病害的勘察技术内容及要点,提出按照高速公路建设的四个基本阶段相应地将高速公路古老滑坡勘察分成四个阶段,即前期可研阶段、勘察设计阶段、建设施工阶段和养护运营阶段,对每一个阶段的勘察重点、方法和技术要求都提出了系统的指导性内容。4.提出了抗滑桩工程的工后效果评估方法,即数值分析评估方法、模型试验评估方法、现场测试评估方法和综合分析评估方法。在现场测试评估方法中提出了一种新的思路,即在运营养护期间古老滑坡病害变形发展的工况下,在既有抗滑桩体内施钻测斜孔并穿越桩底8~10m或更大的嵌岩长度(视地质条件而定),把坡体深部位移监测和抗滑桩位移监测合二为一,从而利用现场第一手数据对抗滑桩工后效果进行评估。

【Abstract】 Ancient landslide disaster of expressways is the unavoidable engineering problem when expressways’construction extends to mountainous areas in the past decades.The main characteristics of ancient landslide disaster are:large scale, calamitous, long and costly damage-control period, and inducing nature can’t be known in a short time, all of these require technicians and research scholars adhere to the geology-based principle during the choice of expressways’routes.If ancient landslide disaster could be confirmed in the prophase, dodging principle should be taken superiorly, while when ancient landslide disaster could not be avoided or confirmed and resurges during the construction, active and effective engineering measures must take.Through valid prospecting and based on its transformation characteristics and failure mechanism, treating directly at the disaster, eradication without any future trouble left could be approached.According the ample treating cases of ancient landslide disasters in mountainous areas’ expressway of Fujian province this paper first summarizes the characters and types of ancient landslide disasters in mountainous areas’expressway of Fujian province, from the qualitative point, engineering countermeasures for each kind of ancient landslide disaster are brought forth; then the requirement of prospecting details and techniques for each phase during the construction of expressways are put forward; for the common application of anti-slide pile in ancient landslide disaster, an immature opinion about post-construction evaluating method is brought forward at last.The main contents and innovation of this paper are as following:1. The failure characteristics and failure mechanism of ancient landslide disaster in mountainous areas’expressway of Fujian province are listed and classified clearly, at the same time, from the qualitative point, relative countermeasures are recommended.2. One of the most important factors, the action and influence of slope excavation, which induces the resurgence of ancient landslide disaster during the construction of expressway is stressed, mechanical mechanism and effect due to slope excavation is discussed also, then the different resurging nature and extent of ancient landslide disaster result from expressways cross different sections of slopes are advanced..3.Details and essence of prospecting techniques of ancient landslide disaster are comprehensively narrated in this paper, in order to corresponding with the four phases during the construction of expressway, four phases including prophase feasibility study, prospecting and designing phase, construction phase and maintenance phase, for the prospecting of ancient landslide disaster are suggested; meanwhile, comprehensive instructing contents including prospecting focal points, prospecting methods and the requirement of prospecting techniques for each phase are proposed as well.4. Four post-construction evaluating methods, that is, numerical analysis method, model experiment method, onsite test method and all-round analysis method, of anti-slide pile engineering are suggested in this paper. A new thought are brought forth in the on-site test method, that is, the transformation development of ancient landslide disaster during the maintenance of expressway, measuring inclination hole inside molded anti-slide pile should penetrate the bottom of anti-slide pile 8-10 meters or even longer bedded rock(based on geological conditions),Combing the deep displacement monitoring and anti-slide pile displacement monitoring, so post-construction evaluation of anti-slide pile engineering could be relied on these firsthand data.


