

The Ecological Aesthetics in Tao Yuanming’s Poerty

【作者】 赵雪梅

【导师】 侯宏堂;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 美学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 陶渊明是汉魏南北朝800年间最杰出的诗人。陶诗沿袭魏晋诗歌的古朴作风而进入更纯熟的境地,像一座里程碑标志着古朴的诗歌所能达到的高度。陶渊明将“自然”提升为一种美的至境;将玄言诗注疏老庄所表达的玄理,化为日常生活中的哲理;使诗歌与日常生活相结合,并开创了田园诗这种新的体裁。陶渊明是魏晋独具风流的人物,不仅是诗,在他的文章中也处处体现出以自然为最高境界的处世哲学。陶渊明诗文中所描写的田园之乐正是现代所提倡的“生态中心主义”的典型文本。陶渊明诗文中蕴含着丰富的生态意识,为“顺应自然”、“诗意栖居”的生存方式提供了实践基础和理论渊源。在自然中寻求人生的安顿,这是陶渊明带给我们的生存智慧,同时也是我们为这个时代的生态危机所寻得的一方心灵的栖息处。本文拟对陶渊明诗文中的生态美学思想进行集中的考察。首先,主要是追溯陶渊明生态美学思想形成的文化背景与思想渊源。《周易》、孔子、老庄等对陶渊明生态美学思想的形成有着潜移默化的影响,魏晋时期的社会风气和哲学思潮也起着重要的作用。其次,从文本入手,深入研究陶渊明诗文中所蕴含的生态美学思想。最后,掘发陶渊明生态美学思想的现代启示意义,为当下我们寻求生态文明,追求一种尽可能简单的物质生活和无限丰富的精神生活,重返人与自然的和谐指明了方向。

【Abstract】 Tao Yuanming is the most outstanding poet in the Chinese Wei Southern and Northern Dynasties during 800 years. His poems follow the quaint style in Wei-jin dynasty, but enter a more skillful region, making the height that poem can reach. No one ever emphasizes“Nature”more than Tao in poems. He simplifies the profound philosophies from Lao Zhuang into simple ones and create a new style——pastoral pleasures promoted by Tao is the basis of the so-called eco-centrism which appears in modern times. Tao Yuanming is a unique romantic figure, not only poetry, in his article also reflected everywhere the highest realm of natural philosophy. The rich ecological consciousness in his poetry provide a practical basis and theoretical sources for the living style of returning to nature and satisfying physical and spiritual needs. To seek the settlement from nature is the living wisdom he supplies to us and also offers us, a spiritual habital to get away from the ecological crisis.This essay focus on the ecological aesthetics in Tao’s potery. First of all, it discusses the cultural backgrounds and Ideological Origins of this theory’s formation. Zhouyi, Confucius and Old Zhuang have a subtle influence on the formation of Tao’s theory, as well as the social atmosphere in Wei-jin dynasty. Second, study of the Ecological Aesthetics contained in the TaoYuanming’s poetry, Finally, Through analyzing this theory ,we shall get some revelation,and it poins out the direction of seeking ecological civilization ,pursing a simple material life with rich spirititual life and returning to the harmony between man and nature.


