

The Research of the Word Tao Liang in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 何小五

【导师】 杨柏岭;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 美学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 陶樑历经乾隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰四朝,为清代浙西词派后期重要词人。本论文以陶棵基本文献为基础,勾勒了以陶樑为中心的词人活动圈图景,对其风雅盟主地位进行考证,并通过细读陶棵的词作和词论,务求能够全面客观地评价陶樑在浙西词派乃至清词史上的地位和贡献。绪论部分属于背景资料综述,包括陶棵其人介绍,同时代和后期文人学者对陶棵诗词的评价以及本论文的主要观点、写作思路和研究方法。第一章从原始文献中探寻陶棵的人生境遇、游历和著作,试图从政治地位、词学交往以及作品方面对其风雅盟主地位进行考证。第二章主要讨论陶棵《红豆树馆词》的题材内容、艺术风格及其在词史上的地位。陶樑以词闻名于世,词作《红豆树馆词》题材内容丰富,有悼亡词、咏物词、送别词、题画词以及纪事词等。陶棵以生平际遇,自系为词,在词史上可谓创格。可以说,陶棵的纪事词奠定了其在词史上的地位。第三章探讨陶樑的词学思想及其在词论史上的地位。浙西词派历百年之盛,至乾隆后期,已衰象迭现。陶棵跳出了狭小的门户之争,明确提出了自己的词学主张并力图对浙西词派的弊端进行改革。附录一是陶棵年谱初编,本章以陶棵的诗、词和文稿为主要材料,大致勾勒出陶樑为官治学的一生。附录二补充考证出陶樑与一些友人以及门生的交游,这样较全面地勾画出陶棵一生的交游唱和图景。

【Abstract】 After Liang Tao Qian, Jiaqing, Daoguang Xianfeng 4 North Korea, the late Qing Dynasty Ci western Zhejiang important poet. In this thesis, Tao Liangji the literature, based in Tao Liang is surrounded by the words of people-centered activities, circle picture of the status of its elegance chief and research, and read the Tao beam through Ci and Ci in order to be able to objectively evaluation of Tao Liang and even in Western Zhejiang Ci Qing Ci status and contribution history.Introduction part of the background information is reviewed, including the Tao Liang his person, his contemporaries and later writers and scholars on the evaluation of Tao Liang poetry as well as the paper’s main ideas, writing ideas and research methods. The first chapter from the original literature search for Tao Liang life circumstances, travel and books, trying to political status, contacts, and work areas Ci elegance chief and status of their research. The second chapter focuses on Tao Liang "virgin Pavilion words" the subject matter, artistic style and its position in the history of the word. Tao Liang famous words, the word for "virgin Pavilion word" rich in content and theme, with mournful words, chanting words, farewell words, word painting and other words and Chronicle. Tao Liang life encounters, since the line for the words, indeed in the history of the Creation of the word. Can be said that the word Tao Liang’s chronicle lays a position in the history of the word. Tao Liang Chapter of poetic thought and its position in the history of the word. Western Zhejiang Ci Sheng Li centuries, to the late Qianlong, as Diego is already bad. Tao Liang jumped out of the narrow portal of the war, clearly put forward their own ideas and try to Ci Ci on the drawbacks of West Zhejiang reform.Appendix One is the early chronology compiled Liang Tao, Tao Liang in this chapter to the poem, words and presentation as the main material, this article outlines the life of Tao Liang official scholarship. AppendixⅡadded research with a number of friends out Tao Liang and his students make friends, so a more comprehensive outline picture of Tao Liang Yisheng Making Friends sing.


