

Based on Lifestyle of Film Tourist Satisfaction Research

【作者】 田坤跃

【导师】 黄成林;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 影视旅游作为一个新兴的体验旅游方式,是影视走向生活,梦幻与现实相结合的旅游产品。影视景观对旅游者产生一定的刺激,引致潜在旅游者对影视景观产生兴趣,去寻找、验证影视中的梦幻景观影像,从而引发旅游动机,在闲暇和可自由支配收入丰裕的条件下,潜在旅游者就会成为影视景观拍摄地的现实旅游者。本文通过梳理国内外影视旅游相关文献发现,国外学者对影视旅游的研究主要集中在影视旅游的性质、影视旅游目的地内涵及特点、目的地形象和居民的影响、旅游者行为和动机方面,国内学者对影视旅游的研究主要集中在影视旅游客体较低层面上,即影视基地的现状及发展趋势、影视基地的市场营销、影视旅游的特点及发展历程、影视旅游的产品开发等,而影视拍摄对目的地形象及居民的影响,以及影视旅游者的感知、动机、消费行为及居民的态度研究则较少。此外,通过梳理满意度评价的相关文献,发现在研究方法及视角方面,国外在研究方法及视角处于领先地位,如运用结构方程构建满意度指标体系、模糊综合评价、满意度三因素理论等方法,研究游客整体满意度和影响因素,以及不同类型的细分市场感知差异等;国内主要运用结构方程、模糊数学、层次分析法、神经网络以及灰色系统等方法,研究产品或服务质量属性的整体满意度,以及整体满意的影响因素,缺乏对不同细分市场游客满意度的差异研究,且在研究满意度影响因素时,运用传统的“重要性—表现分析”,忽略产品或服务的不同质量因子的感知表现与游客整体满意度之间的非线性、不对称关系,缺乏细分市场的质量感知表现的差异研究。因此,本文选取无锡影视基地为案例地,依据顾客满意度三因素理论,结合以生活方式为细分市场的标准,分析不同细分市场游客满意度的关键性影响因素,验证不同细分市场的游客满意度影响因素各质量因子和整体满意度之间存在着不对称关系,且起着不同影响作用,如“演艺景观”影响因素对于文化型游客而言是情感质量因子,其感知表现的变动程度大于满意度的变动程度;而对于新潮型游客而言却是表现质量因子,其感知表现的变动程度和满意度的变动程度基本相当。首先,通过对游客生活方式感知表现进行聚类,无锡影视基地游客可分为文化型、新潮型、节俭型和需求型四类,论文对各类游客类型构成进行了详细的分析;其次,从整体层次分析影响影视基地游客满意度的因素,运用SPSS的主成份分析方法,影视基地游客满意度的影响因素可归纳为“演艺景观”、“景观品味”、“基础设施”、“管理与服务”和“旅游接待”五类;运用LISREL的统计分析方法,验证基于单纯质量感知模型的合理性,及不同因素对游客的整体满意度起着不同的作用;再次,依据满意度三因素理论,将满意度影响因素按照其均值划分为“满意成分”和“不满意成分”,作为自变量,各类型细分市场的游客整体满意度作为因变量,运用二分回归分析,揭示不同影响因素在各类型细分市场中的影响作用,且依据各个影响因素的“满意成分”与“不满意成分”的影响作用,将影响因素在各细分市场划分为“情感质量因子”、“表现质量因子”和“基本质量因子”三类。从而为景区管理者提供借鉴性的依据,针对不同的细分市场,合理配置资源,提供旅游服务,培养游客的忠诚度。此外,论文在研究过程中还存不足,在以后的研究中会作进一步的修正和完善。

【Abstract】 Film-Induce tourism as an emerging form of tourism, which is the film towards life, dream and reality combine tourism products, film and television in the landscape of the tourists have a certain stimulus will lead to potential tourists interested in the television landscape, to find and verify television images of the fantasy landscape, giving rise to tourist motivation, in the leisure and disposable income of affluent conditions, the potential tourists will become the reality tourists. In this paper, study film tourism-related literature at home and abroad, foreign scholars to study film and television tourism focused on the nature of film tourism, film and television content and features of tourist destinations, destination video image and the residents, tourists behavior and motivations, domestic scholars focus on film tourism objects of lower levels, for the status and development trend of the film base, the marketing of the film base, the television features and course of development of tourism, film tourism product and so on. while the object of the destination image and residents, as well as film tourists perception, motivation, consumer behavior and attitude of the residents are limited. In addition, studying satisfaction evaluation of relevant literature from the research methods and perspectives, the foreign research methods and perspectives in the leading position, such as the use of structural equation to build satisfaction index system, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, satisfaction theory, methods such as the three factors theory to study the overall visitor satisfaction and influencing factors, as well as different types of segments of the market perception differences; while the major domestic use of structural equation, fuzzy mathematics, analytic hierarchy process, neural networks, and gray system and other methods to study the product or service quality attributes as a whole satisfaction, and overall satisfaction factor. The study lack of differences in tourist satisfaction research in different market segments, and the use of the traditional“importance-performance analysis”, ignoring the non-linear, asymmetric relationships between the perceptions of product or service quality factor and overall satisfaction of tourists, lacking differences in the quality of perception research of market segments.Therefore, this article selecte Wuxi film base as a case, based on the three factor theory of customer satisfaction, combined with standard of lifestyle market segments, analyz the key tourist satisfaction factors in the different market segments, validat the asymmetry relationship between perceptions of quality factor and overall satisfaction in the different market segments,and plays the role of different effects, such as“the performing arts landscape”factors is the excitement quality factor for culture-based tourists, the perception changes in the performance than the changes of satisfaction; while for trendy tourists, it is performance quality factor, their perception changes is roughly equal with the changes of satisfaction. First of all, by clustering of tourists perceived performance of lifestyle, Wuxi film tourists can be divided into cultural type, trendy type, thrift-type and demand type. The paper analyze the tourists constitute of various types. Secondly, analyze factors of the overall level of the satisfaction, use principal component analysis of the SPSS, the factors of affecting tourist satisfaction can be summed up as“cultural landscapes”,“landscape taste”,“infrastructure”,“management and services”and“tourist reception”; the use of LISREL statistical analysis methods to verify the quality of perception based on a simple model of rationality, and different factors on the overall satisfaction of tourists play a different role. Thirdly, based on the three factor theory of satisfaction factors, divided the overall performance of the factors into“satisfactory factor”and“unsatisfactory factor”in accordance with its mean value as independent variables, all types of market segments of tourists overall satisfaction as the dependent variable, the use of two sub-regression analysis revealed the different effects of factor in all types of market segments in the influence, and based on various factors of the“satisfactory factor”and“unsatisfactory factor”, the factors that will affect all market segments classified as“excitement quality factor”,“performance quality factor”and“basic quality factor”. So as to provide a reference of the basis for different market segments, the rational allocation of resources to provide travel services to foster visitor loyalty. In addition, the papers was also inadequate in the course of the study, in subsequent studies will be further amended and improved.


