

Study on Assessment and Optimization of Residential Hard Environment Quality in Anhui Province

【作者】 陈玲玲

【导师】 查良松;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 1993年人居环境科学在中国被首次提出,之后受到广大学者的极大关注,其理论在实践和积累中逐渐完善,但尚未形成成熟的定量化研究指标体系,研究范围多限定在城市和社区范围,研究内容以主观评价和事后评价为主。随着经济的发展,城市化进程的不断加快,人居环境面临着一系列严重问题:环境污染、生态恶化、基础设施落后、人口资源分布不协调以及其他不确定不可预见的危害等,要求对人居环境的研究进一步深化,为解决人居环境问题、提高居民生活质量提供理论依据。人居环境包含两大方面:人居硬环境和人居软环境。论文以安徽省为研究区域,以人居硬环境为研究目标,建立人居硬环境评价指标体系,以自然环境和物质积累基础水平为二级指标,采用气候、地形、植被、水文、交通、通讯设施等客观数据为研究资料,以GIS为技术手段,对安徽省人居硬环境进行定量研究。研究主要结论如下:安徽省人居硬环境区域差异明显。省会合肥、长江沿岸城市铜陵、马鞍山、芜湖、安庆等五市人居硬环境处于优等级;安徽省中部(包括淮河以南的平原地区、江淮丘陵、长江沿岸)多数县级行政单元人居硬环境处于良等级;皖南地区和淮河以北的宿州市、淮北市、界首市等11个县市人居硬环境处于一般水平,淮河以北大部分县域单元和皖西南大别山区人居硬环境质量较差。安徽省人居硬环境空间分布格局与安徽省人口分布格局基本协调,部分区域存在矛盾。安徽省人居硬环境级别为良的区域面积占全省总面积的64.43%,分布人口占全省总人口的62.20%;人居硬环境级别为较差的区域面积占全省总面积的20.84%,分布人口占全省总人口的21.57%;人居硬环境级别为一般的区域面积占全省总面积的13.50%,分布人口占全省总人口的9.08%;人居硬环境级别为优的区域面积占全省总面积的1.23%,分布人口占全省总人口的7.15%。从面积和人口比例上看,安徽省人居硬环境水平空间分布格局与安徽省人口空间分布格局基本协调。但淮河以北地区人口密度大,人居硬环境水平较差,人居硬环境水平与人口分布不协调。人居硬环境各单因子空间分布不协调。淮河以北地区地形平坦,土地资源丰富,基础设施水平较高,交通发达,但水、热资源不足,经济发展水平一般;江淮之间区域地形较为平坦,水、热资源较丰富,交通通达水平高,基础设施水平、经济发展较好;沿江平原地形平坦,水热资源丰富,经济发展水平高,基础设施水平和交通通达水平各县市差别较大;皖西山区和皖南山区水热资源均处于安徽省较高水平,但地形起伏大,物质积累水平处于安徽省最低水平。城乡的人居硬环境存在差异。主要原因是安徽省的自然环境地域差异明显,且物质积累在城乡之间存在一定差距,这在淮河北部的行政区之间体现的最为明显:城市人居硬环境级别比县级行政区人居硬环境级别高一个等级。最后,根据安徽省人居硬环境空间分布特征,对安徽省人居硬环境的优化建设提出几点建议:加强各地区基础设施建设,促进物质积累水平均衡发展;以经济政策为手段,引导人口向人居硬环境水平较高地区转移;合理规划,构建井然有序的发展格局;坚持可持续发展,保障人居硬环境不断提升;积极采取措施提高软环境建设水平,保障人居环境整体水平的提升。

【Abstract】 Science of Human Settlements which was brought up in China in 1993, attracted great attention of scholars. Its theories have been gradually improved during practice and accumulation, but the quantitative methods and index system have not formed. The scope of study is most about cities and communities, and main methods are subjective evaluations and expost-project evaluation. With economic development and rapid urbanization, residential environment is facing some serious problems: environmental pollution, ecological degradation, poor infrastructure, uneven distribution of population and resources as well as other uncertainties hazards. It needs further study on residential environment, and provides theoretical basis for solving residential environment problems and improving quality of residents’life.Residential Environment includes two major aspects: residential hard environment and residential soft environment. This thesis took Anhui Province as the study area, with the residential hard environment as the research objective, established index system of the residential hard environment by the natural environment and material accumulation as secondary index. Supported by GIS technology, this thesis made quantitative evaluation of residential hard environment of Anhui Province based on the climate, topography, vegetation, hydrology, transportation, communication facilities data, and the main conclusions were as follows:Anhui residential hard environment had significantly regional differences. The provincial capital Hefei and cities along the Yangtze River Tongling, Ma’anshan, Wuhu, Anqing, residential hard environment were in the superior level, most counties’residential hard environment lied in central of Anhui (including the plains south of the Huaihe River, Jianghuai hills, along the Yangtze River)was in the good level, the residential hard environment of 11cities in the south of Anhui and the north of Huai River including Suzhou, Huaibei ,Jieshou and so on were in the general level, the residential hard environment of the majority cities in the north of the Huai River and Dabie Mountainous area of Anhui Southwest were in the poor level. In Anhui Province, the spatial distribution patterns of residential hard environment were in accord with the populations’, but some regions existed contradiction. The region with good level residential hard environment accounted for 64.43% of the total area of the province and had 62.20% of the total population. The region in poor level accounted for 20.84% of the total area and had 21.57% of the total population. The region in general level accounted for 13.50% of the total area and had 9.08% of the total population. The region in superior level accounted for 1.23% of the total area and had 7.15% of the total population. From the proportion of the area and population of view, the spatial distribution of residential hard environment level is basically coordinate with the spatial distribution of population in Anhui Province. But their distribution of regions in the north of Huaihe River were incompatible with high population density and poor level of residential hard environment,The spatial distribution of the single-factor of residential hard environment was uncoordinated. North of Huaihe River was flat terrain and had rich land resources, higher level infrastructure, well-developed transport, but with the general level of economic development and lacked of water and heat resources. The central region of Anhui had relatively flat terrain, abundant water and heat resources, higher level of infrastructure and transportation, good economic development. Plains along the river had flat terrain, rich hydrothermal resource, higher level of economic development, but the infrastructure level and transport accessibility of the cities and counties were greatly different. The water and heat resources of mountainous area in the west and south of Anhui province were at a high level, but the terrain was large undulating, the level of material accumulation was at the lowest level in Anhui Province.Residential hard environment was different between urban and rural areas. This was mainly due to obvious regional difference of natural environment and gap of material accumulation level between urban and rural areas in Anhui Province.This was obvious in the area north of Huaihe River.Finally, according to characteristics of the spatial distribution of Anhui residential hard environment, this thesis made some suggestions to optimize residential hard environment: to strengthen the regional infrastructure construction and promote the balance of material accumulation level; to take economic policy as a means to guide the population transfer to a high level region; to plan rationally and build orderly development pattern; to insist on sustainable development and maintain continuous improvement of residential hard environment; and to take steps actively to improve the soft environment construction levels and raise the overall level of the residential environment.


