

Research on Classroom Silence Phenomenon of Middle School Students

【作者】 石丽媛

【导师】 姚本先;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 课堂沉默(Classroom Silence)是指学生在课堂教学情境中,出现的不言不语、不交流、默不作声的非言语行为。研究中学生课堂沉默对调整师生双方课堂情绪、促进良好课堂互动、加强生态课堂管理具有重要意义,也为教师灵活处理不良课堂现象、学生提高课堂自我监控能力和课堂参与度提供建议。自编中学生课堂沉默现状问卷和中学生课堂沉默影响因素问卷,旨在了解当前中学生课堂沉默的现状和影响因素,以便更深入透视课堂沉默。采用问卷调查、课堂观察、师生访谈、文献分析等研究方法,对广东、湖南、安徽、浙江和江苏等5个省份的1213名中学生进行调查,得出以下结论:1.探索性因子分析表明,本研究所编制的问卷具有较好的内容效度和结构效度,信度检验表明,问卷具有较高的内部一致性,中学生课堂沉默的影响因素问卷的信度是0.767。2.总体上,中学生课堂沉默现状不是很严重,但需要师生双方共同努力,调整课堂不良状态。3.中学生课堂沉默的影响因素可以从心理特征、人格动力、教师教学和家庭教育等4个维度来考察。中学生课堂沉默的影响因素在学校、性别、年级、独生子女、学科类别和生源地等变量上存在显著差异。4.中学生课堂沉默的行为表现最典型的是睡觉;其次是部分学生看着书发呆、想心事或是看自己的辅导书;课堂上老师讲课或提问时,做小动作的人比较少。因此,适切性课堂沉默需要学生树立正确的观念、培养认同感、克服心理障碍;需要家长营造轻松的家庭氛围,培养孩子的积极情感,训练孩子的人际沟通能力;需要教师正确认识课堂沉默,充满爱意、诗意、情意、创意,转变教学方式及自身角色,改变课堂不良行为等;需要领导转变应试教育观念,选择适合学生的教材,规范评价机制,提高软硬件设施质量。

【Abstract】 Classroom Silence refers to the students in the classroom teaching situations, there’s no words, non-communication, and silence of the non-verbal behavior. Study the classroom silence of middle school students has important significance for the adjustment of the classroom emotional, the promotion of good classroom interaction, and classroom management to enhance the ecological significance, but also provide advice for teachers to deal with bad classroom behavior flexibly and students to improve classroom self-monitoring capability and classroom participation.Self-compiled questionnaires both the status and factors for the classroom silence of middle school students, aimed at understanding the current status of the silent classroom students and influencing factors for a more in-depth perspective classroom silence. Use questionnaires, classroom observation, teacher-student interviews, literature analysis, research methods, survey 1213 middle school students for five provinces of Guangdong, Hunan, Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, conclusions have been drawn as follows:1. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the preparation of the questionnaire in this study have good content validity and construct validity, reliability test showed that the questionnaire has high internal consistency, middle school students silent classroom factors affecting reliability of the questionnaire is 0.767.2. In general, the status quo of classroom silence of middle school students is not very serious, but needs joint efforts of teachers and students and to adjust the bad state of the classroom.3. The classroom silence of middle school students from the psychological characteristics of influencing factors, character motivation, teachers teaching and family education to examine the four dimensions. Classroom factors affecting students silence in schools, gender, grade, child, subject categories, and new students to other variables, there are significant differences.4. The classroom behavior of silence about middle school students is the most typical sleep; followed by some of the students looked at the book a daze, like their minds, or to see their guidance document; classroom teacher lectures or questions, played petty tricks with fewer people.Therefore, the relevance of the classroom silence of middle school students with a correct concept of culture identity, to overcome the psychological barriers; need parents to create a relaxed family atmosphere, to cultivate children’s positive emotions, to train the child’s interpersonal communication skills; need a correct understanding of classroom and teachers full of love, poetry, emotion, creation, change teaching methods and its own role, change the school classroom misconduct and so on; need to change oriented education status, select the appropriate student materials, standardize the evaluation mechanism, to improve the quality of software and hardware facilities.


